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"Wake up Tomas!" a female voice called out to him.

"Let me sleep. Tomorrow is a busy day at the studio." Tomas said wrapping himself in the blanket.

"Who are you talking to?" Junit asked.

"Let me sleep." Tomas repeated putting his arm around Junit.

"Honey, who are you talking to?" Junit asked once again.

"Weren't you talking dear?" Tomas asked.

"She wasn't." the female voice said once more.

"Who is there?" Tomas asked opening his eyes.

In the corner of the room stood a woman. If she had been emitting the same light as she had done before Tomas would have know right away who she was.

"It is me, Sevina Shocuervo." She said.

"Sevina?" Tomas said, "But you disappeared?"

"I am eternal." She said, "I realize that now."

"You killed those Pescador-Infierno people." Tomas remarked.

"They had it coming." Sevina said.

"Why did you stop then?" Tomas asked.

"You know the answer to that already." Sevina said, "For you saw the death of both of them."

"Father and Bubblos?" Tomas asked.

"They are still here, but not as strongly as before." Sevina explained.

Tomas sat upright in bed and Junit did the same.

"You have come with a reason, haven't you?" Junit asked.

"It is your brother." Sevina said.

"What about him?" Tomas asked.

"He is on another world again, isn't he?" Sevina said.

"How do you know that?" Tomas asked.

"She is more than human." Junit remarked.

"But we have no way to get there." Tomas said.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Sevina asked.

"The device he used to travel to the other world with is gone, he lost it." Tomas said.

"But don't you recall who made that device?" Sevina asked.

"She was the captive of Parrlos." Tomas said.

"Named Sevina." Junit said.

"Sevina Shocuervo." Sevina said, "Now if only you knew where to find her."


Sevina came just at the right moment. Tomas had wanted to travel after his brother the moment he received the phone call. Wolf was a good boy, but Tomas seriously doubted he would ever have the strength to help the elves wage war.The butler entered Tomas' office very early that morning.

"Sir, there is a young man waiting for you to talk about master Dustin." The butler said.

"Let him in." Tomas said.The butler opened the office door and let the young man in. "Patrick Bruce Fences." The young man introduced himself, "But Wolf probably spoke of me as Warrick."

"You are one of those gamers he hangs out with?" Tomas asked.

"Indeed, but we haven't heard of Wolf for days now." Warrick said.

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