Chapter 13

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The next thing I knew I was being shook awake. "Nicole come on. They opened an hour ago."

 I groaned as I rolled over on my back. "What time is it?" 

"Time for you to get up" Shane said in a stern voice.

I rolled my eyes and got up. I wasn't feeling today so I just grabbed some random mismatch clothes. and put them on forgetting Shane was even there.

When I turned around Shane was staring at me with his mouth wide open. I was still to tired to even care what he thought so I said "Let's go." 

I walk over to him and grab a hold of his hands so he could take us where ever his dad's car was.

The minute my hands touched his it brought him back to this reality. As soon as I closed my eyes and opened them we were in another place. 

As I look around I see that the impound lot was a very depressing place. It was full of cars that were crushed. It looked like a grave yard for old cars. And I do mean old. Some looked like they had been from the 60's. 

"How are we going to find your car?" I say still feeling myself wanting to just go to sleep.

"I already know where it is." He said walking away from me. 

"Why didn't you just bring me right to your car?" I say clearly annoyed 

"Because I wanted to let you wake up before we got there."He said turning around to make sure i'm following him. "As you can see my plans working like a charm." He said sarcastically. 

"Don't worry i'm following you."

"Yeah slowly." He said with a smile on his lips.

"Slowly but surely." I mumble still half asleep. 

"Your no fun in the morning."

"I bet neither were you."

"I worked mornings remember." He said

"See That would work if Darwin hadn't already told me you were real quiet until you woke up. He said you would get so mad because another co worker wouldn't shut up and it was too early." I say trying to keep myself from dying laughing.

"Why were you and Darwin talking about me?" 

"Don't try to change the subject." I say pointing my finger at him.

He stopped dead in his tracks and then so did I. We were having a stare down. Then all of a sudden he was standing right in front of me. He then put his lips to mine. I felt the butterflies return to my stomach. I felt the world slipping away.  

When he pulled his lips away from mine I yearned to have his lips right back on mine. My lips felt so lonely and cold without his to keep them warm.

"How's that for a subject changer?" He says with a sly smile.

It took me awhile before I could find the words to speak "That was a good one." I croaked out. My cheeks instantly turned red.

"The car is behind you." He says pointing to the black car behind me.

I look back at the car then look back at Shane. "Why were you going straight?"

"I wanted you to wake up. You need to be alert so we don't miss anything."

"SSUUURRREE just trying to cover."

He smiled as he said "You don't believe me?" He said putting his hand to his chest being dramatic

"No." I said putting putting the back of my hand to my forehead being just as dramatic. 

He laughed as he said "touche"

My story. My life. His deathWhere stories live. Discover now