Chapter 2

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I woke up to this really annoying ringing. 

Took me awhile to realize it was my phone. By the time I had realized it, it had finally stopped ringing. I roll over to go back to bed

 "Ding" "Ugh" I roll over to see what it was. and why it couldn't wait until the morning

 (Well... the sun is shining so it is obviously morning but noon is my morning so this is definitely way too early for me!" I look at my phone i had three missed calls and a text message from Ashley. I'm almost tempted to go back to sleep but this might be an emergency. It wouldn't hurt to look at the message just to make sure.


I quickly turn my TV on and turn it to the channel 12 news. 

"There has been a tragic accident on highway 109 tonight. The driver of the black Maserati is reportedly being life flighted to the nearest hospital he is currently in critical condition. Unfortunately the local teen was pronounced dead on the scene. Authorities are trying to figure out what happened at this tragic scene. We will keep you updated as we get more information. Thank you for watching the channel 12  6 o clock news. I dropped the remote and quickly texted Ashley.

ME: I'm so sorry! Was it your brother?

ASHLEY: No...It was Shane...

ME:That's not funny! I said I would ask him out tomorrow.

ASHLEY:I wish I was kidding. My dad was called out tonight. He was talking to my mother about it because she was worried. He said it was really bad.

ME: What happened!?! I literally just saw him a couple of hours ago.

ASHLEY: They don't know yet... I'll let you know something as soon as I do!

I felt like I was sick.

 Please God! Let him be okay! Why him? Why the guy of my dreams. 

I quickly feel the tears prickling my eyes.

 No it can't be him! It just can't!

 In about 15 minutes I had convinced myself that it wasn't him.

 Of course I couldn't go back to sleep so I headed to the kitchen to make me breakfast. 

Not that I was hungry just to get my mind off of Shane. 

I check the time and it's 8:45. Great! 

I open the ice box and get out eggs and bacon. The perfect breakfast combination. 

It takes me about 10 minutes before my mom comes in "mmm what smells so good! Are you cooking breakfast?" 

"Yup, eggs and bacon."

 "What brought this wonderful treat on" She says. Then she narrows her eyes and says "What do you want?"

"Nothing! I just want to get my mind off of some things for awhile." 

"Like what?" she says.

 I know I can't lie to her! She always knows when i'm lying. I have to tell her the half truth.

 "Work." I say hoping to be as believable as possible.

 For a second I don't think she believes me. 

But I really don't want to talk about it.

I don't even want to think about it. 

At least Not until I know it's true. 

 Speaking of knowing. I look at the clock and it's 8:55. 

"I'm gonna go watch the news" 

"you don't even like the news." I hear my mom scream from the kitchen.

My story. My life. His deathWhere stories live. Discover now