Chapter 7

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My alarm went off at 11:45 I groaned as I hit the snooze button. 

"Oh good your up!" When I hear his voice I almost have a heart attack as I fall on the floor.

"Oh right Shane's here." I mutter to myself.  

"Yes i'm here" he said laughing as he helped me up. 

"Why did you let me sleep so late?" I asked still a little bit confused.

"I  kept you up late last night. Figured I owed you." He said with a shrug. 

"Oh good! I'm going back to sleep." I say as I get in my bed 

He laughed as he said "Like hell you are."

 I roll back anyway and then Shane ran up and started tickling me. 

"Stop! Stop! Okay! OKAY!" I said as I gently pushed him away. "I'll get up!"

 I jump out of my bed. I go over to my closet and pick out a plain blue shirt, with plain blue jeans, and blue sandals. 

"Okay I know you love the color blue but... Don't you think this is pushing it." he says looking accusingly at my outfit.

 I laugh as I say "What can I say they're plain. I'm plain." 

"You're anything but plain." 

"Thanks" I said with a smile. 

"hard headed is what you are." he said just loud enough for me to hear. 

"What did you say?" I say with an eye brow raised and a smile clearly on my lips. 

"Fight me!" he said while putting his dukes up. 

"Bring it Carter!" I say laughing. 

"Don't test me Preston!"

 "Oh i'm so scared!" We both die laughing. 

When I finally stop laughing I realize I still have to change. 

 "Do you mind?" I say gesturing towards the clothes in my hand. 

"No you can go ahead and change right in-front of me." He said barely being able to control his laughter 

"hardy har har." I say as I roll my eyes "Turn around" 

"yes ma'am" he said while saluting me and then turning around. 

"Why you gotta be so extra?" I say laughing. 

"Me!" He said turning around as I'm changing! 

"Shane!" I say trying to cover myself up.

 He stays there like he was frozen in place


 "Sorry" he says as he FINALLY turns back around.

 I quickly get dressed after that. I felt so embarrassed! I didn't even want to go anymore. Just crawl in a ball in the corner and disappear. 

"I'm so sorry." Shane says. "I didn't mean to turn around" 

"Whatever let's go." I say. 

I head straight towards the car. Never even looking back to see if Shane was following behind me. 

When I got in the car Shane was already in the passenger seat. 

"Nicole I'm sorry..." 

"I don't want to talk about it." I say in a stern tone.

"Nicole" Shane said pleading with me.

"Shane I won't go if you keep talking about it." I say trying to end the subject.

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