Chapter 5

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When I got home Ashley and my mom were waiting right by the door for me. 

Which would be sweet if it wasn't under these circumstances.

"How was it." She asked me as soon as I was within ear shot. 

"It was interesting...." I say really slowly. 

"So meeting a ghost was interesting." He said trying to be sarcastic.

I wanted to scream "your not a ghost."

 I really wanted to just be left alone. This was all too much for me. 

"You know I love you right Ash?" I say knowing i'm going to hate the next few words that come out of my mouth. and knowing i'll eventually regret it. But I just can't take all these questions.

"Yeah..." She said in a very suspicious tone. 

"Don't take this the wrong way. But I really just want to be left alone. I'm so tired. I'm sorry."

 "Ouch why don't you just punch her in the face?" Shane said from the side.

"Yeah... okay..." She said as she shook her head. Indicating that in fact she was not okay.

I felt really bad she looked really hurt. But I couldn't be having her say something about me liking Shane. At least not until I know whats going on. I ran to my room. 

Shane followed right after me. I tried to lock him out but he just walked right through the door anyway.

 "Nicole you can't keep ignoring me!" I quickly turn on the TV. He got really upset the more I turned up the TV the louder he talked. 

"Fine" I say as I turn down the TV.

 "Fine?" He says bewildered. 

"Yeah Fine"

 "Your going to help me?" He said in a very shocked tone. 

"No. I'm going to give you a chance to give me a reason to believe you and then MAYBE I'll help you."

 "How is that fair?"

 I smile "it's not. But it's all you got."

 He looked like he was about to say something but then quickly shut his mouth. 

I look at him for awhile then finally I say "Well..." 

"I'm thinking of what could make you see it's really me." 

I turn my TV back on. This ought to be interesting I think to myself.

 "What do you want to know?" He said finally speaking.

"What do you mean what do I want to know?"

 "You can ask me anything I'm an open book." 

"You can't tell me something I already know. That would just be pointless" 

"I'm not. Ask me anything about my past life and I will tell you."

 "What was your first word?"

He gave me a confused look then said "How am I supposed to know that!" 

I gave him a sly smile 

"Fuck you!" He said after he realized I was joking.

 I couldn't help but laugh. "Nah thanks I'm good." 

"You know that's not what I meant"

 "oh look" he said pointing to the window on the out side of the glass I look and there's a huge spider!!! (Ok like small but still!!) 

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