Dreams and Dementors

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Chapter 1

Harry Potter stared out the window of the scarlet locomotive as it raced across the dimming countryside. He was accompanied by his two best mates, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley. His friends disagreed lightly while he himself stayed on the quiet contemplative side of things, choosing not to intrude his opinion on various subjects at hand. He basked in the joy of being free from his magic-loathing relatives for an entire school year.

In a few short hours he and the rest of his classmates would be at Hogwarts Castle, the only place in the whole world that he remembered calling home. Outside clouds were beginning to cover the darkening sky, bringing the promise of rain. Harry found that he didn't much mind the idea of a rainy night, though the carriage ride to the castle was bound to leave them all soaked to the bone.

Some time later rain drops indeed began splattering against the window of their compartment. Harry's calm happy mood couldn't be dampened by the weather outside though as he continued entertaining himself by listening to his squabbling friends. The Hogwarts Express was nearing its destination when the train came to a starling halt, jolting Harry and his friends from their causal positions. It was then that their compartment took on a familiar chill. Harry wrapped his cloak tighter around his body shivering, noticing his breath freezing in the cold air. He, Ron and Hermione all exchanged grim glances at each other.

"Dementors." Harry noted gravely. His cheeks had lost what little color they possessed and he took on an apprehensive look. Demoters fed off the fears and suffering of other beings for sustenance. Suffice to say, being up close and personal with the defiled beings was not a pleasant experience for anyone. But for Harry it was different, the trauma he endured in losing his parents as an infant was relieved each time he came in contact with a dementor.

The lights flickered off as the creature drew nearer, until they were left with only the sky as their light source. Harry set his jaw and prepared to face what promised to be a highly unenjoyable ordeal. The shadow two of the wretched beings became clear through the frozen glass. Harry felt cold beads of sweat being to trickle down the nape of his neck. He shivered once more as the dementors paused outside their compartment.

Harry felt an odd sense of dejavu at how similar this all seemed. The same haunting creatures, the same feeling of being completely cornered, only this time a thought occurred to Harry through the haze of fear. He remembered the spell right as the compartment door was being opened revealing one scabbed over hand. He reached for his wand, but his hand groped at nothing. Suddenly the larger of the two Dementors was upon him, suddenly so close that Harry could see the foul rotted mouth underneath it's cloak. And then the happiness drained from the world as the Dementor began draining the essence of his soul from his slack body.

Just as he watched the silvery ball that was his soul being ripped from him, he woke with a start. Hermione was shaking him awake, looking concerned. Harry looked around wildly, no Dementors, no freezing hopeless compartment. Only Hermione bent over him and Ron in the background giving him a strange look. It had been a dream. He sat up and rubbed his eyes with his sweaty palms.

"Nightmare?" Hermione asked, though it was clear that she already knew the answer.

"Yeah." Harry didn't especially like the way his friends were looking at him as though he was fragile. He cleared his throat awkwardly. "Nothing to worry about." He assured them.

Neither Ron nor Hermione looked particularly convinced, but they both took it as a sign to drop it. Hermione sat down next to Ron again, still wearing a concerned expression and sending worried glances Harry's way every so often.

Harry looked out the window into the growing darkness outside. Through a thicket of trees and heavy rain, he thought he could make out the black lake shimmering slightly from the many lit windows of Hogwarts Castle. Harry sighed in relief. He was nearly home.

The train came to a jolting stop soon after. There was the sound of shuffling as students began exiting their compartments, making their way through the packed narrow carriage towards the exits. Harry found himself lagging behind slightly, not feeling especially prepared to be surrounded by the swarms of students leaving the train. After the crowds of students had thinned considerably he left the compartment.

Outside the rain seemed to have picked up. Harry couldn't help but notice that the thestrals pulling the carriages seemed anxious to deliver the students, probably wanting to retreat to the forest to escape the downpour. Harry himself welcomed the cold drops that slid down his face and quickly soaked his robes. The cold seemed to rid him from thoughts of his dream, and his friends pity.

Harry watched as Neville Longbottom took up the last space in the carriage that held both Hermione and Ron. This left only one available carriage, and it happened to be inhabited by none other than Draco Malfoy and his dim witted sidekicks, Crabb and Goyle. He swallowed his pride and irritation and walked in the direction of the only available carriage.

"What do you want Potter." Malfoy said, baring an expression of absolute disgust. Harry attributed his foul mood to the rain that was hammering down, flattening his suavely styled hair. He took a deep breath and tried for a friendly smile, which appeared to be something more to the affect of a pained grimace to anyone who happened to see.

"All the other carriages are full." Harry said blankly, if he was honest he was growing increasingly tired of fighting with Malfoy. It was their final year at Hogwarts, he supposed maybe riding with Malfoy was a sign that he should attempt to bury the hatchet so to speak.

"Toughly luck." Was all Malfoy said before he covered the empty seat with his hand, wearing a nasty smirk, as the thestrals began pulling the carriage, leaving him behind. After a long moment of shock, which was quickly replaced by frustration and anger towards the catty Slytherin, he sprinted for the barrier before it could shut him out.

Filch was hauling wet suitcases onto a platform where they would then be transported to each of their bedsides while they enjoyed the feast. Though it seemed that Harry would miss the feast completely if he was forced to walk through the downpour all the way to the castle. He sighed frustratedly and ignored the happy look on filch's face at the thought of a student missing the carriages.

So Harry Potter began the journey to the Castle, guided only by the light of his wand and the glowing windows of Hogwarts. Harry did indeed miss the feast. He arrived in the great hall to find Professor Magonagal, wearing an extremely disapproving look. Harry didn't bother explaining himself, he was simply too tired. He accepted the 10 points taken from Gryffindor and made his way up to bed, leaving puddles of rainwater, muddy footprints and utter dejection in his wake.

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