Chapter 4

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I stood in front of a confused Dean as I attempted to plan out what I would say. I told him we needed to talk. I couldn't even imagine the things he would be thinking right now.

"'s the thing..." I could feel my breath catch in my throat as I tried to force the words past my dry lips.

"We can't be together anymore. Not like we used to."

He shot me a look of confusion. "What are you talking about? I thought we were good."

"Dean. It's been four months. Things can't just go back to normal. You died."

I could clearly see the hurt in his eyes. "You really think things are different now?"

I nodded. "Well...yeah. You've been gone for months and I was only just starting to move on."

"Come on...we can get through this. I know-"

"I kissed Sam!" And suddenly, I had no control over what came out of my mouth.



I watched as Dean paced around the room. I'd really hurt him. I kissed his brother again. How could I have been so stupid? He's been in Hell for four months and the second he gets back...I tell him I kissed his brother...again. I'd betrayed him again. I hated myself. I was such a terrible person. It was clear that Sam was confused by Dean's behaviour as he was furrowing his eyebrows at him from across the room.

"Dean. You okay?" Sam asked.

"Yeah I'm great. Just great. I'm just so happy that my brother's made another move on my girl."

It was silent for a moment before Sam spoke up. "Dean...I can explain. You weren't here and-"

"Yeah I wasn't here! I was in frickin' Hell!"

"I'm sorry. It was a mistake. And besides, Zara shut it down like seconds after it happened."

"It doesn't matter whether she shut it down! It still happened!"

Once he was finished shouting, he left the room and marched off outside. I heard the engine of the Impala groan and it was soon followed with silence. He was gone. Again.


Later that day, I found him at a nearby bar. At first, I was hesitant about whether I should approach him or not. I didn't want to make him angrier. I eventually decided to go inside and attempt to talk to him.

"Dean? Can we talk?"

"No," he muttered before taking a sip of his whiskey.

"Please. I just need to explain and I know you've been through a lot but-"

"You have no idea what I've been through!" He yelled before downing the rest of his drink and proceeding to leave the bar.

"Wait! We need to talk about this!"

"No, I don't think we do."

We were standing beside the Impala now. He wasn't going to try to drive was he?

"Dean, stop."

"Why should I? Shouldn't you be running back to my brother by now?"

"Don't say that. It meant nothing."

When he spoke, pain was evident in his eyes. "Did I mean nothing too? Huh?"

"No. Of course you mean something."

"Yeah but not like before."

Then I began thinking. Was he really this hurt by my betrayal, or was it something more. I mean, he couldn't have been this angry over a kiss.

"Dean. Is this really about the kiss?"


"Well, think about it. You obviously have a lot of anger built up inside you and this was obviously what sent you over the edge."

"That-that's stupid."

"Dean, what happened in Hell?"

"Nothing," he muttered, quickly looking away.

"Come on. It can't be that bad. You were only there for four months."

"Actually it wasn't four months, it was more like forty years!"


Okay so this chapter isn't written great. I might try to edit it but hope you like it anyway. I just didn't have much time to write it so it's not as good. Sorry.
Also, if you're enjoying the story so far, please please vote!!

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