A Special Feeling

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“Man I really wish I could meet them,” I say as I scroll down my twitter feed, seeing Paul, Nick, and Shane’s tweets. “Who are you talking about?” my mom asks as she sits next to me. I show her my phone and smile. “Oh! Aren’t they like 6 years older than you?” I start to frown, but then quickly respond, “Age is nothing but a number...or a word, whatever. What I’m trying to say is, age doesn’t matter when it comes to inspiration.” “Do they even acknowledge you?” I laugh a bit, “Acknowledgement is not really important, but on occasions, yes.” She gets up and walks into the kitchen as I walk into my room.

         I grab my journal and start to write in it. Just as I finish writing, I see a notification from Paul on twitter. I open it in suspense, as I do every time, but this time I was even more excited. I read the tweet that said, “Going on a road trip to Indiana with @ShaneTKirby and @Nicksgood.” I automatically drop my phone and scream to the top of my lungs. My mom comes rushing up the stairs to find out what happened. “Are you ok?” she asks me in a panic. “NO!” I yelled, “They’re coming here!” I screamed in excitement. She looks at me and turns to walk back downstairs.

         I would tweet them back, but it’d be random to just ask them to meet me, stalker much. Plus they probably don’t have time for me anyway. I call my friend who is just as equally obsessed as I am. “Catalina!” I scream through the phone,”Guess what!” I yell. “First of all, calm down. Second of all, what?” “Paul, Nick, and Shane…” “Hold that thought,”  she interrupts and goes on twitter, “Oh...my...GOODNESS! This is a dream, and I need to wake up! I’m going to tweet them right now saying…” “Now you hold that thought,” I say. Catalina gets a little carried away too, but I’m probably worse. Considering I created fanpages, but whatever. “If you tweet them back, we’ll seem like total creeps right?” “That’s true, well thanks for the news. I have to go. Talk to you soon,” we both hang up.

         This is my chance, and I can’t blow this. I go downstairs to my mom as she cooks dinner. “Hey, mom?” “Yes?” she turns to look at me. “Do you want to do me a favor?” “No I will not make you a 5 pound gummy bear.” Yes, I have an obsession with gummy bears too, but that clearly isn’t it. “Yes, but no.” “Then what?” “Since my birthday is next week,and they will be here next week...Do you catch my drift here?” “Yes I do. No I will not.” Well, it was worth a try. I really wish I could meet them, but maybe it’s for the best.

         I wonder if they really notice me, like when they favorite my tweets. I wonder if they ever thought, “She’s just so amazing and supportive.” I’m pretty sure they just  think I’m another over-obsessed human being. Wait, who am I kidding, that’s exactly what I am. Yet, they never make me feel like that. I have to find a way to see them!

         I sit at the table with my phone in my hand waiting for one of them to tweet again. “So what do you want for your birthday?” “Pau...Sha...Ni...I don’t know.” I place my fork down next to my plate. “Are you not hungry? I made Alfredo just for you.” “I’m fine, just have something stuck on my mind.” “Is it them again?” I look up at my mom and then back down at my plate, “No, it’s...I don’t want to talk about it.” I excuse myself from the table, and go upstairs to lie down. I get on twitter and message Nick, “What is the easiest way to get something off your mind?” He probably won’t reply, but I need sleep. I turn off my light, and put my phone on “Do not disturb” and fall asleep.

         I wake up the next morning, but I don’t check my notifications. I never heard them anyway since I set my schedule for an hour after I woke up. Just then I get a notification, “Nick Sent you a message on twitter.” My heart started racing and my hands shaking. I open up the message and there were multiple ones just because I didn’t answer the first time. “Something is never fully off your mind…” Pretty much him explaining that I needed to deal with the problem, but he also asked what was bothering me. I get another message,but this time from Paul, and a little later from Shane. They were all curious as to what I needed off my mind. I simply told them that meeting people was a problem. I didn’t want to have them creeped out or anything. I felt better knowing they cared so much. I guess I don’t really need to meet them when I know they care regardless.

Forever is the WayTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon