The Campfire Song

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~Yes, I used a Spongebob song as the title of this part. It actually fits so don't judge haha. I'm being as creative as possible right now. And for all of you who are wondering how many parts this story will be...I don't know. I will write until my mind runs out of ideas. It could end tomorrow or maybe next year if I wanted. I have my mind set on this story so it's going to be a good length. Hope you're all enjoying my imagination :). For those of you who think I'm crazy for writing this story for them...YOU'RE RIGHT! No you didn't read it wrong, you're right. They are my inspiration and I'm grateful for them. NOW ON WITH THE CRAZINESS!!!!~

"The sun is setting guys. So, about that surprise..." I say trying to get them to tell me.

"When it fully sets, and night time falls, We'll tell you." Nick says with a smirk. I look at him with an unpleasant look, but then smile to show that I'm not actually upset. "Until then, have some marshmallows." Paul says while handing me a bag. Why does he offer me marshmallows? I mean I love marshmallows, but I didn't think he knew that. Or does he? "Uhh, thanks?" I take the bag and eat a few.

"Maybe you need a little hot cocoa to wash it down," Shane says with a smile. He knew what I was thinking because I smiled back. "Just say it," he says. I laugh a little and then start to sing, "I'm in love with the cocoa!" Everyone looks at me. "What?" I say looking confused. "Did you just sing that?" They say in unison. "I sure didn't rap it," I laugh. "That was amazing!" Nick says. I get a little shy, "Thanks," I say.

So the sun finally sets. "Do I get to find out now?" I ask losing my patience. "Can you help me take these bags outside?" Shane asks. I grab some bags and carry them out to the backyard. "It's a beautiful night isn't it?" he asks. "Yeah, the right temperature and the night sky is lit with stars." I say admiring the stars. As I look up in the sky and talk to Shane, Paul and Nick are bringing out some supplies.

"What's that for?" They ignore me and continue doing what they were doing. From what it looks like, they're setting up tents. They grab some wood and sit it in the middle of 4 chairs, then light it. Is this the surprise?

"You guys!" I shout. "We're having a camp out?" I ask in excitement. "Bingo!" Nick says. "You know what that means." I smirk. "The Campfire Song?" Paul asks. "How'd you know?" "You like to sing right?" I run inside and grab my guitar. "Let's go!" We all start to sing "The Campfire Song" while we laugh. "This is great guys! Thank you. This explains why you gave me marshmallows and cocoa." I open the bags and pull out more marshmallows, chocolate, and gram crackers.

We continue singing songs, making s'mores, and telling stories. "I'm getting tired" I yawn. "Us too. let's head to the tents." Paul says. They even knew my favorite color...PURPLE! I grab my phone and head to my tent. My phone vibrates because I got a message. I read it, "She is a great person. I'm really enjoying my time here with her. So much positivity in one person." I smile and realize I had Shane's phone instead of mine. I get up and go to Shane's tent. "Umm...Shane?" "Yes?" he answers in a sleepy voice. "We have each others phones." He opens the tent and we trade phones. "Thanks," he says and then gives me a hug. I walk back to my tent and decide to post a tweet, "I couldn't feel better! They're amazing and they know who they are." I finish posting and finally fall asleep.

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