A quick intervention: Shane's Note

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~I started thinking last night about my stress & the hard time's I've had. I thought that I should add side notes in the story before I continue to the next part. Majority of the readers probably don't know even who these guys are or why I'm writing about them. So here are their thank you notes & you'll see why. :)~

To Shane:
Words can't even start to explain how thankful I am to simply just look up to you. I stumbled upon your twitter about a year ago & was not disappointed. You quickly became someone I looked up to & I really appreciate your interactions with me when I need them. You're the reason I got put on with inspirational poetry in the first place & that turned into inspirational story writings. You never fail to bring my spirits up on a bad day or even make me crack a smile on the worst. I'm sure you get notes like this on a regular basis & you deserve every single one of them you receive. What makes mine different? Nothing in particular, but I'm only 15. I told my mom about you & how you've helped me so far & she appreciates your help just as much as I do. Some of my other family members say that you have been through some things that they couldn't even imagine, you are one of the strongest individuals we have ever known. Because of you, some of my faith in humanity has been restored. So I just wanted you to know that you are amazing in every way possible, I am grateful for what you're doing for not only me, but everyone, & I will always be a fan. Maybe even your #1 fan :).
Thanks so much!
Your Friend,
Kennesha AKA Kennie

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