"It's so so far, and I'm not positive if I want to be a cook..." 

 "Well Chloe, what do you want to be... Talk to me" 

 "I don't know.. I really I need to think about it" 

 "Well if you aren't interested in the job why did you take it?" 

 "Because, I just needed to get money for us some how... I felt like I was doing nothing and you were trying your best... And I just took the job without thinking I guess" 

 "Chloe I don't understand this!" I said louder than I should of. 

 "I'm going to bed. Good night" Chloe said. 

 It was only 8 and she was going to bed. I obviously hadn't been nice to her and I could tell. I really wanted to say sorry but I know this wasn't a good time. 

 "Night sleep well" I mumbled. 

 She went to our room and shut the door. I knew she probably wasn't going to bed she was probably going to be sad and just sit there but I also knew this was not a good time to go see her. I went towards our basement. It was a finished basement I went down the stairs entered the cinema room. I sat down on a random chair and dialed Justin's number. I pressed the phone against my ear while just sitting there listening to the only thing I could hear, the dialing. 

 "Hello?" Justin answered. 

 "Hey sorry to disturb it's jus-" I started saying. 

 "Hey man, what's wrong?" Justin cut me off. 

 "Uhm- Chloe got mad at me.. Well no.. I got mad at Chloe" 

 "Ryan one second I'm just going to go in the family room or something I just have to say bye to Megan I'll be on the phone in a second" 


 I waited there staring at the cinema screen that wasn't even on. 

 "Hi" Justin spoke after a couple minutes. 


 "Tell me what happened" 


 I explained everything to him. Once I explained it I felt like I sounded stupid, I had no reason to yell at her or get angry at her. It was stupid it was like a little kid fight and it wasn't what i was suppose to do. 

 "Man, sorry to say this but what were you thinking?" Justin spoke after I finished. 

 "I-I don't know" I stuttered. 

 "Don't let the anger get to you, it's really bad Ryan. You need to think before you talk, I'm not trying to be rude but really man, that was pointless" 

 "I know I'm just so stupid for doing that!" 

 I tugged on my hair being so mad. 

 "Ry-Ryan" I heard a small voice murmur from the door. 

 "Justin one second Chloe's there" I said into the phone. 

 I moved the phone away from my ear. 

 "I'm sorry" I spoke. "I was stupid, and I just- I can't believe I got mad because of that Chloe I don't know what's wrong with me" 

 "I know... Let's just forget about it, let's get some sleep and talk about it in the morning" 

"What time is it?" I asked her. 




"Go ahead, I'll be there in 5 minutes not even" 

I walked towards her hugging her against me I stocked her hair a little and kissed the top of her head. 

"I'm sorry" I whispered. 

"It's fine" She whispered back. 

I kissed her softly and let her walk upstairs. I walked back to my seat and took the phone and pressed it against my ear. 

"Good job" I heard a girl voice say in the phone. 

"What?" I asked being a bit confused. 

"It's Megan you dork, good job with Chloe" 

"Oh hey Megan, thanks" 

"You scared me to death... Really Ryan you need to start thinking a bit. Deal?" 

"Deal. Sorry Megs" 

"It's fine Ry. Just don't do that please... You seriously scared me to death I thought I had to kick your ass, seriously you make that girl cry or break her heart I'm going donkey kong on you" 

"Donkey kong?" 

"Mmm-hmm... And you better watch yourself" 

"Ouhh so scared" I said chuckling. 

"Shut up and go to bed" 

"Says the pregnant women"

"Don't call me that"

"Awh hurts your feelings?"

"Yes it does..."

"WHO'S HURTING WHO'S FEELINGS?!" I heard Justin yell from far on the phone.


I heard some mumbles.

"Well Meg, I'm heading out so tell your husband what's going on with Chloe and I and take care of yourself, go to bed soon yeah?"

"Yup! I'm going to bed like right now. Cya Ryan"

"Bye Megs"

I hung up and ran up to Chloe and I's room. I took my shirt off and threw it in the laundry pile. I crawled next to her into the bed and wrapped my arms around her. 

"I'm sorry" I whispered again. 

"It's fine" She whispered back. 

I kissed her cheek and slowly fell asleep. 

One of a kind. (Book 2 of 'I didn't know it was him until he told me')Where stories live. Discover now