Chapter 13

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Justin's P.O.V 

June 27th 

"Justin!" Megan yelled in a worried tone. 

"What's wrong?!" I yelled in panic from outside the bathroom door. 

"I still haven't gotten my period! We should go get a pregnancy test!" 

"REALLY?!" I shouted out. 

"YEAH! I'm late!" She squealed. 

She ran out of the bathroom smiling wide. She hugged me tightly and I hugged her back rising her up from the ground and holding her she wrapped her legs around my waist and wrapped her arms around my neck I let go of my grip making her fall a little.

"JUSTIN" She squealed.

"I won't drop you" I told her while holding her tighter.

"Oh I'm sure you won't..."  

"I won't pinky promise"

"How's that going work when you're holding me" She said putting her fore head against mine. 

"I don't know, but I promise I won't drop you" I said while walking around trying to find the wall. 

I finally found the wall and put Megan's back against it slowly so I wouldn't hurt her. I kept my hands near her bum so she wouldn't fall. 

"Can you kiss me now?" She asked me. 

"Yeah I can" I said. 

I crashed my lips to hers and moved over towards the bed not even breaking away. I pushed her onto the bed still not breaking the kiss. She turned around so she would be on top of me I smiled while kissing her but she didn't stop. I licked her bottom lip for entrance she moaned softly but still didn't let me enter. I kept on kissing her until she pulled away. 

"Tease" I mumbled. 

"That's all you get" She said moving from on top of me and getting up from the bed. 

"That's a joke" I said while sitting up. 

"Nope... You're a joke" She said. 

"You're mean.." I said while pouting. 

"I WAS JOKING!" She said laughing. 

"Sure you were..." 

"I was kidding come on!" She said smiling at me. 

Her smile just always made me smile so I couldn't keep on pouting I turned around from her flopping down on the pillow. 

"I saw you smile" She said flopping down next to me. 

"No you didn't!" I mumbled into the pillow. 

"You're a baby" 

"I'm your baby" 

"Yeah... You are.." 

She passed a hand through my hair.

"Shall we get your test ma lady?" I said. 

"We shall" She said ruffling my hair. 

"Messing my hair up for the public tsk tsk tsk.." I said shaking my head and trying to fix my hair. 

"It looks amazing, atleast I didn't put elastics in them could of done that" She said winking at me and walking towards the front door. 

"NO DON'T MY POOR HAIR!" I begged holding my hair in my hands. 

"I'm kidding" 

Megan's phone started ringing she stopped walking and flopped down on the couch taking her cell out and looking at the caller ID. 

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