11: A Battle of Light and Dark

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Zelda rode out on Epona, leading her army, her shining white armour guiding her people and bringing them hope. Malon followed close behind, determined not to lose her queen. Then Impa, Nabooru and Fi galloped to keep up.

Leading the Zora archers was Queen Ruto in armour and a seashell crown.

The cavalry of Kokiri and Deku scrubs was spearheaded by Saria who wielded the Picori blade.

Like thunder, the Gorons, led by Darunia, marched next to the other infantry. Some were armed and others weren't, particularly Darunia.

Marching behind the infantry was an assortment of Gerudo and Hylians all armed and ready to fight.

"Army of Hyrule! Today is the day we fight for freedom and hope! Give Ganon and Majora your all and do not surrender until we have won! Tonight the darkness falls and the light rises! We cannot afford to lose! It will be centuries until we can launch another attack like this! For Hyrule!" Zelda cheered and was met with a roar.

Meanwhile, Ganondorf and Majora strode in front of their army with Dark Link doggedly following behind.
"Our Army! Today is the day you've been trained for! We will not surrender! We cannot show any weakness! We shall not admit defeat! You are our army and you shall be undefeated, like us!" Ganondorf cheered but was met with the silence of determination.

The first thing Ganondorf noticed was the shining light leading the opposing army. As it got closer he could see that it was the 'queen' Zelda in gleaming white armour riding next to the figurehead of the rebellion in her trademark gold armour.

"My army, charge!" Ganondorf yelled.

"Zora, aim." Ruto yelled as a small portion of the enemy came forward "Fire!" most of the charge died from that attacked.

"Again!" Majora hissed and the soldiers complied but were stopped short by a barrage of airborne boulders courtesy of the Gorons.

"Charge!" Ganondorf seethed while a small amount of his army charged forward only to be snared by the mounted Kokiri from behind and the front.

"Come on, all of you!!" Majora hissed. The remaining dark army surged forward and overwhelmed the Hylian army.

It was a bloodbath. Many cavalry and archers died and although the Gorons could defend against most of the onslaught a fair few died from sneak attacks.

Darunia was grabbing the enemy footsoldiers and throwing them under the horses' hooves when a few who escaped his grasp turned back around and speared Darunia in the stomach, fatally wounding him. Thud. Darunia fell to the ground.

"Runia!" Malon yelled and galloped over to him.

"On your left." Darunia breathed, coughing profusely. Knowing what he meant, Malon thrust behind her and killed a footsoldier looking to hasten Darunia's death.

"Put pressure on it. I'll get a bandage. You'll be okay." Malon said, her breath shaky.

"No. It's my time, dying defending my home." Darunia said, his voice barely a whisper.

"Goodbye, Big Brother."

"Tell...Biggoron he's... the next big brother... of the Gorons." The life finally left Darunia.

Malon closed his eyes and started rushing the dark army. She ended up killing hundreds in her rage. There was no time to block her attacks, the enemy barely knowing they've been hit before they died.

This happened for a while. Then, when Malon was catching her breath, one arrow came straight for her stomach. Out of almost no where, Nabooru leapt out of the crowd and took the arrow to her heart.

"What are big sisters for?" She smiled, brushing a strand of hair out of Malon's face.

"Relationship advice! Sharing clothes! Not taking a stupid arrow for you!" Malon cried but Nabooru was already dead.

Malon said her goodbye and fled to Zelda.  But she was interrupted by her brother.

"Dear  sister. How about we finish the duel we started?" Dark Link said, twirling his sword in his hand.

"Agreed." Malon readied her blade.

The clamour of their steel filled the air as the fighting ceased as everyone stared at the evenly matched fight.  After some underhanded tactics, Link managed to overpower Malon, holding his blade to her throat.

Malon started singing their mother's lullaby. It combated the long infestation of darkness inside her brother, clearing the evil, slowly. Zelda joined in, accompanied by Ruto and Saria.

"Malon. Please end it now. The moment the song ends, I'm back to darkness, it's too deeply rooted to make it permanent. And it hurts, so badly, let my pain be over." Link begged, tears rolling down his cheeks and onto the floor.

Malon simply nodded, her tears falling down onto the battlefield. She embraced him one last time before the singing stopped.

The darkness started flowing back into Link. Knowing what would happen, Malon quickly thrust her blade into her brother's heart.

"Goodbye, my brother." Malon said, shaken as the corpse fell to the floor.

The fighting resumed shortly after. Zelda charged at Ganondorf, slicing his shoulder. The Gerudo returned the favour by catching Zelda's leg. The fight continued in a similar fashion, with the pair exchanging blows until Zelda got the upper hand. Ganondorf was distracted and Zelda struck a blow to his chest, where he was stabbed many centuries before. Smoke spread from the wound as Ganondorf was finished.

Once Zelda had taken everything in, she trained her eyes on Majora.

"Mal, care to take this?" She asked, smiling at her knight.

"Let's kill this thing." Malon smiled, her sword gleaming in the early rays of dawn.

Malon artfully started fighting Majora, skilfully evading most of Majora's attacks. No attacks seriously wounded her, but Majora did get a few hits in. Then, when Malon was about to get the upper hand, Majora ended up cutting Malon across her body, starting from her navel and ascending up her back. She was tossed to the floor, slowly bleeding out.
Impa rushed to Malon's aid, using a simple salve to stop the bleeding. Malon eventually passed out because of the pain.

Zelda pulled a light arrow from her quiver and aimed her shot. It would not miss the mark. A stream of light arced through the sky and landed in Majora's heart. All that remained when the dust settled was a chilling mask.

"People of Hyrule! Ganondorf and Majora have been slain! Victory goes to the light! All Hail Queen Zelda! All Hail Hyrule!" Impa cheered, and the dark army laid down their weapons.
"All hail Queen Zelda!"

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