That didn't sound so good to Summer on the other hand and she stayed the same: starring at her sister with a dark look. She wouldn't budge. Because of this, Daniella rose to her feet and decided it would be best to gently push the woman out of the room, which was surprisingly easy with the new powers that she gifted with by being a vampire. It was a struggle at first; Summer was bubbling out curses and trying to get herself out of her younger sister's control, though she realized it was useless. When Summer was left outside, Daniella was hurrying to toss her clothes back on while Alice rambled on about being called Tinker Bell.

"Do I really look like a fairy?" Alice questioned herself, picking at the ends of her hair before looking at Daniella, finding her already dressed and nervous. "I'm worried that the Volturi will have to speak to us about so many people knowing about the secret world."

Daniella gave her a muddled look. "The who now?"

Waving her off, Alice turned to the door and swung it open once again, ushering Daniella out before she closed the door behind them. Summer was outside waiting for them, Jasper was by her side, a worried look on his face that he sent off to Daniella and Alice; what was going on? He could feel how infuriated the woman was from his room and he decided it was best to check on her and when he arrived, she wouldn't stop sputtering out curses. It made him wonder why she was upset, but as he was about to ask, the girls appeared. 

"Okay, you and me downstairs," Summer ordered, grabbing her sister's wrist, but she suddenly pulled away with an audible gasp. "What the hell is up with you? Y-You're different, Dani!"

"Summer, I'm not that different. Please, if you let me explain-"

"You don't have to explain. I know you're one of them. You're a damn vampire!"

"Excuse me," Carlisle's voice calmed the room instantly. His figure, covered in a jet-black turtleneck and a pair of slacks, fell into the room, his walk was brisk and caused everyone to still. His eyes fell onto Summer and he sent her a warm smile. "Miss. Morgan, please, what seems to be bothering you? I know it has to do with your sister staying with us during this storm, but what else?"

She flared her nostrils. "I know what you all are, fuckin' vampires! Don't act all sweet to me. You're all monsters that everyone is terrified of and now, you made my own sister into one. Did she ask to be one? Or did you hold her down and sucked her dry, huh?" A venom-filled laugh escaped her lips and she pointed a dry finger at Carlisle. "You're all sick. Daniella, come on, we're going home." The newborn felt lost when Summer eyed her, waiting for her to follow her and like a pup with her mother, she followed along with her head held low. How was she going to survive? The scent of Summer's blood was already driving her mad - the scent was beautiful and it made her want to drink her up but she couldn't. This was her sister and she had to stick to her diet. As the two descended down the stairs, something pulled her back and she found a hand connecting with her own.

Everything seemed to freeze as her red eyes slowly rose to see Emmett glaring at her sister, a fuming aura radiating off of him. The teenager didn't dare to speak and let Emmett take the stand. Pushing her behind him, he inched closer to the human. "Don't even think about taking her."

Shocked, the oldest Morgan shouted, "Excuse me?! She is my sister, asshole."

Emmett's demeanor didn't change as he got closer to her, overwhelming her was his goal and when she backed away, he was winning. This was a game of cat and mouse now to Daniella's eyes and she felt hopeless. She didn't know why Daniella was suddenly hating on the Cullens and her, but what Emmett was doing was something she was thankful for but he shouldn't do it like this. He should talk things out.

More so, she should talk things out. Daniella knew she needed to talk to her sister and not hide up there where her feelings were confusing her. So, letting bravery fill her body, with the help of Jasper Hale himself, she took a stance by her mate, narrowing her eyes slightly at her sister.

"Summer, for the love of God, please calm down so I can talk to you." And with her gift being used, Summer was following the order the mute gave and grasped her hand once the youngest one came by her side. After that, the walked side-by-side, down the stairs and towards the front door before Daniella was picking up Summer and the Morgan sisters disappeared.

"She can't handle being with a human," Edward blurted, giving Emmett a look. "It's best if you follow after. They're heading towards their apartment." And just like the sister's Emmett was by the front door before disappearing in a second, vanishing from his home. The coven fell into a stressful silence, all of them praying and hoping that things would go soothingly at the apartment and that hell wouldn't happen. The change of heart that Summer had made, made them all confused and they hoped, with everything that their silent hearts could produce, that Daniella would be accepted by her. She was the only blood family she had left, though she didn't realize it, the Cullen Clan were also her family.

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