Chapter 23

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One year later

Zayn and Harry's relationship is going strong and Harry is thankful for that. Sure, they argue too since Harry's sometimes stubborn. He always wanted Zayn to be on his side and Zayn can't since he got work.

Harry's a bit clingy.

At first, Harry was sad that Zayn needed to stay at River Tees to manage their family's business but since Zayn couldn't resist Harry, he let his Mum manage their Antique shop so Zayn could be at New York to be with Harry and go home on holidays with Harry being present too. So Zayn went to find a job at New York and thankfully, he'd landed a job at Mural design company. Both of them are happy—especially Harry since all his dreams are coming true, especially having Zayn.

Harry even took the job to be the next ruler of River Tees. He'd planned to be the next king but hadn't told Des yet.

"Are you sure about this Harry?" King Des asked as Harry nodded. Harry and Zayn went back to River Tees because it was Harry's semestral break. And this time, he'd told his Dad the good news "Yes Dad....I am sure" Harry responded as Des sighed.

He's finally happy that one of his children agreed to rule the kingdom one day. When Harry told his father that he agreed to become the next King, his heart was filled with joy! Des really thought that Harry won't be King since he'd chosen to study at New York. He was shocked when Harry said that after his college, he'll study to be a King and Des is proud.

Harry smiled at his Dad "And Zayn will be with me..." Harry said as Des nodded his head

"After all, he's gonna be my Prince, soon" Harry added with a smile as Des pulled his son into a hug "I'm so proud of you Harry! Gemma may not run the Kingdom but my son...." Des gently pushed him to see his face " well mannered Son will...." He added as Harry hugged him again and lets go "I will run this Kingdom like you did, Dad"

And as soon as Harry said it, Des could never be happier.

Harry is nervous since running the whole kingdom is no joke but as long as Zayn is on his side, he'll be alright.

After talking to his Dad, Harry went back to his room and upon opening the large door, his eyes widened seeing petals of White roses messing up his floor. Harry followed the petals and he smiled when his eyes landed on his bed.

Zayn was sitting at his bed with beautiful white rose on his hand "Okay....what is this sappiness Zayn?" Harry asked as Zayn chuckled and stood as he approaches Harry "I can't believe my boyfriend will be King someday" Zayn said as he offered the rose to Harry as he received it and smelt it. Harry smiled at Zayn and pulled him closer to him and wrapped his arms on Zayn's shoulders "I couldn't believe either but, I will! These people needed a righteous king....and I know I'll be a brave and good King because I have you" Harry said as Zayn leaned in and ran the tip of his nose to Harry's

"And I will be here. For the rest of your life...." Zayn responded as Harry didn't hesitate as he kissed Zayn's lips, lustfully but with love.

//A/N: Short chapter! 😭 Aww, so Harry decided to be the King. That's bold of you Harry! He's making Zayn his prince! Aww, soooooo sweet! Don't fret guys! One mooooore chapter before epilogue! This story is coming to an end.

Aaaahhhhh its nice writing this au and thank you guys for everything: the support, love and for patiently waiting for this AU to be completed!

I looooove you allll! spread love and not hate! 🖤✨

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