Chapter 2

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Harry tried his best to converse with Louis and good thing Louis answers his questions. Simple questions like where are you from, what major you're in and etc. most like, getting to know each other questions.

So when its time for Louis to ask questions, he immediately asked about the bodyguard standing outside their door "So, are you a celebrity? Or an important person?" Louis asked as Harry's eyes widened.

He was expecting he'll ask about his hobbies or something like, skill related questions but Louis asked about his status in life "Um....." Harry scratched his head "Not.....really" Harry answered as Louis looked at him weirdly "Not really? So what are you?" Louis asked again as Harry sighed "John's my......assistant" Harry lied as Louis scoffed "Wait....first you said, he's your, he's your assistant? Are fooking wth me?" Louis chuckled as Harry flinched hearing him cuss again. He bit his bottom lip, thinking what should he tell him. This is all his Dad's fault bringing the security along with him

"Actually......I'm really an important person and I want you to keep quiet about it" Harry said as Louis excitedly squealed "Oh my god! Are you the son of the president? I heard he has a son..." Louis assumed as Harry gave a small smile "Not....exactly" Harry responded "For fuck sakes man, tell me" Louis whined as Harry took a deep breath "I'm the Prince of River Tees" Harry said as Louis's mouth hanged opened.

No way this guy is from River Tees. It may be a small country or an island but its super rich. Rich in nature, mines and everything else. Louis went there once, a little vacay with his family and Louis can't deny that the place was amazing. The people were so polite and everything was just clean. You can totally lay down on their street without worrying of germs "No wayyyyy!" Louis said as Harry shushed him "You promised not to tell?" Harry worriedly asked as Louis nodded

"Wow! A prince! Wow, sorry for acting like a douche to your security your highness. I didn't know that my roommate is a fooking royalty!" Louis exclaimed as Harry shushed him again "Please quiet down" Harry pleaded as Louis grinned "I promise not to tell..honest!" Louis said and that's enough for Harry "And just call me Harry. I don't wanna be called your Highness or Majesty. I came here to be a normal student" Harry said as Louis chuckled "Don't worry! I'm good at being normal" Louis responded and gave Harry a wink.

That's how their friendship started.

After knowing about Harry's secret, Louis began to open up to Harry. They talk more now and even shared interests. First week of classes were awesome. Well, for Harry that is. Harry never imagined that being treated normally by the people is fun.

Of course, his guards are still on to him 24/7 and Harry's trying his best to act normal. But his guards aren't making it happen. No matter how Harry acted normal, his guards attracts attention. When he's at class, the guards are seated circling Harry and the students are giving him weird looks. Or even just Harry will go to the bookstore, the guards won't stop trailing behind him.

Harry wanted a normal life as a student not this.

It's like he'd never left River Tees. Harry better do something about it so he called his Dad "Hey son! How's college?"

"Dad! I want you get rid of the security!" Harry answered "I thought we had this all sorted out?" Des asked "I know! But.....they're everywhere! I can't enjoy my college life because people are looking at me funny!" Harry whined "Son, what if something bad is gonna happen to you? We don't want that, but what if?"

"People here doesn't even know who I am! Please dad, just get rid of them. People are making fun of me because I have soooo many men following around me. They say I'm in a cult" Harry responded as he heard his father sighed "Fine....fine" Des said as Harry smiled "I'll get rid of the four securities but I will let John and Michael stay" Des added as Harry pouted "You can get rid of Michael too...."


"Come on Dad! John's a good security! Don't you trust him that he can protect me alone?" Harry asked "I'm more at ease when I know that you have two guards protecting you..." Des answered "Please Dad. This is my last request! Please...." Harry pleaded as Des didn't have a choice but to agree since he can't resist his son's pleading "Okay fine. Only John!" Des finally said as Harry's smile widened "Thank you Dad! Thank you...Thank you! Don't worry! I can take care of myself too!" Harry said.

After their conversation, Harry can't stop smiling. He's life is becoming more normal now that he has only one bodyguard left.

Louis just got back from his classes. He directly went back to his dorm and greeted John before heading inside his room "Oi Harry!" Louis greeted as Harry sat from his bed and smiled at Louis "Hey Lou" Harry greeted back. Louis put his books down at his desk and looked around "What are you looking for?" Harry asked "Hmmmm your securities....they're not on our window" Louis said as Harry stood and chuckled "I got rid of them!" Harry excitedly said as Louis raised a brow " about John?" Louis asked as he pointed at the door with his thumb "He's the only one left" Harry answered "Great! Now we can go party without buff guys encircling you!" Louis said as Harry's head tilted to the side "Party?" Harry asked confused "Gamma Pi invited me to a party. I can have plus one're coming with me!" Louis said in a cheery manner as Harry nodded.

He always wanted to go to a party.

//A/N: Yieeee chapter 2! Okay, so if you're wondering where River Tees really is, its actually at North England. Its just a small island and I thought "why not use it as Harry's home?" After all, this is just a fanfiction! Lol!

Thank you guys for the read! Chapter 3 will be added soon! 😊😊

Spread love and not hate! 🌸✨

Conceal, don't feel (ZARRY AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora