Chapter 24: magic isnt everything...

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"What are you talking about catty?! I didn't even hurt them!" I said

"That's not what the book says...nally I don't make the rules..." she shook her head

"But I didn't do anything wrong they were the ones that were torturing a human! and that's against the rules!" I said pointing at them Catty grabbed my hands

"Nally...why would the highest powers do such a thing? look just don't show any restraint and I'll make it quick." catty was about to take my magic

I ran upstairs. "NO!" I screamed

I realized I didn't have my phone. "Connors room!"

I looked everywhere

"Nally!" catty was behind me I ran in I still couldn't find my phone

Then I noticed the blue case under the dresser I slid to it and grabbed it. I was recording everything!

"Catty wait!" she blasted me

"AHH!" I fell down

"Catty wait!" I said she was about to take all my magic.

"I have proof I didn't do anything wrong and they were the ones bending the rules!" I held up my phone

Catty pressed the video and saw the girl whipping Connor and the other two chaining up our friends

Catty handed me my phone

"I'm sorry nally...i have to do what must be done"

I shut up eyes tight catty then turned around and blasted the three girls and took their magic

Catty helped me up. "I told you I don't do anything!" I said

"I'm sorry Nally...this whole friendship thing is still new to me." catty laughed

"It's fine...but do you mind taking me to the hospital?"

Catty shook her head

*20 minutes later*

They parked the car and were holding Connor catty stopped them

"CATTY" they all screamed

"Here let me..." they handed he Connor

Catty closed her eyes and placed a hand on his chest. her hand began to glow.

Connor began to blink slowly the scars disappeared he jumped up breathing heavily

"Connor!" I teared up and hugged him

"I'm so sorry!!!" I screamed he held me tighter

"No I should be sorry..." he said

"For what? you didn't do anything wrong!" I said wiping my tears

Jc interrupted "why were those girls at the house?"

I looked at him "it's cause they wanted to take my magic..." I said

Everyone gasped

"Ya...but Connor...will you forgive me?"

I said

He shook his head and hugged me. we all said our goodbyes to catty and we went back to my house.

As soon as we were back everyone was laughing and smiling

Connor had his arm around me

Ryan had his arm around Christine

Christine looked behind her to see Lexy she stopped

"STOP EVERYONE!" she screamed everyone stopped laughed

"Ryan what is up with you and lexy?! did you two date? Do you like her?! are you in love with her?!" Ryan stared at her

"Christine..." Ryan tried to calm her down

"No! no! just tell me!" she was tearing up

"Is that why were you askin me all those questions?" Lexy said

"Yes! now what is up with you two?!" she screamed Laura and I looked at each other

I then looked at Ally ally looked to Laura all if us were nervous

Ryan and Lexy were nervous and looking at each other

"Ryan and I are married!" Lexy screamed

"WHAT?!" we all screamed

"No we're not!" Ryan said

"Lexy is my sister."

"WHAT?!" everyone but Laura Ally and I said.

I can't remember!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن