Chapter 14: its ryans turn...

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*nally POV*

It was a pretty messed up night. so many things happened I just needed a little piece of home.

My parents were on vacation.

My brother was doing his summer tour

My sister was at college

But the first person I thought of were my old friends...well we never really stopped talking I just haven't see them in a while I gave them a call

Me: hey ryan...

Ryan: oh mi god is this nally! I haven't talked to you in forever

Me: dude I know!! how you been?

Ryan: I'm fine just finished traveling India

Me: whoa! last time you traveled Europe didn't you?

Ryan: yup I'm telling you I love my job! But what about you?

Me: oh you don't wanna know but I jut finished doing digi tour with the guys and the girls ya know.

Ryan: ya I was gonna go to one of the shows but the plane got cancelled

Me: I'm sorry man you should've seen it nash-- um nevermind can I ask you a favor?

Ryan: sure what's up?

Me: do you mind coming to L. A.?

Ryan: sure I'm flying back to the U S in two days.

Me: perfect! see you then

* end call*

Me: Laura?

Laura: heyyyy omg you sound so different!

Me: I know you do too!!

Laura: how you been?

Me: good just finished digi tour what about you?

Laura: let's just I'm finishing college finally!! it's no fair that you graduated early! haha

Me: haha well...can I ask a favor?

Laura: anything

Me: you mind coming to L.A?

Laura: of course!!

Me: yay see you then!

*end call*

Me: ally?

Ally: hey!!

Me: how you been?

Ally: good Canada's cold! haha

Me: haha that's nice? haha

Ally: so what's up?

Me: not much but can I ask of a favor

Ally: sure thang

Me: can you make it to L. A.? perhaps next weekend?

Ally: sure gotta go bye!

Me: okay

*end call*



I went down stairs and fell on the couch

Jenn Andrea Nash Matt went home

Catty went to work

Lia and Thomas left

So that left Connor christen jc kian and Cameron including myself.

"Someone looks happy." jc said

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