Chapter 17: i messed up...

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*Lauras POV*

"Morning already?" I said rubbing my eyes

I got up from the couch seeing everyone sprawled out in weird sleeping positions, snoring, drooling...

I went to get some juice from the kitchen when I heard a sigh.

"Ally?" I heard it again "ryan? jc?"

Then I heard someone snoring I went around the counter and saw

Jc and Nally sleeping on the floor!

I gasped loudly

Nally woke up "huh what? LAURA!" she looked up at me with wide eyes

"Nally what do you think your doing?" I helped her up

"I don't know what happened... all I remember was coming in here to eat some pizza then I wake up to see jc and I cuddling on the floor" Nally was still in sleep mode

"Please don't tell connor!" i shook my head

"Now sweetie why would I do that?" I laughed and hugged her. I mean it wasn't like they were cheating...right?

Later jc woke up to Nally making eggs and me making some smoothies

"Well good morning ladies" jc sat up on a stool

"What's on the menu this fine ass morning?" Nally and I turned to jc as if he said something in a different language

"What?" he said laughing

"Laura don't mind him he's like this when he's sleepy, but jc please try to watch your mouth" Nally said she sounded like she was mad

Jc got up and walked to her

"Oh come on babe what about last night?" I could hear him whisper

Last night? uhhh what is he talking about?

"Jc nothing happened it was just some cuddle time is all..." Nally still sounds angry

Jc rolled his eyes and walked over to me as I was putting in some raspberries into the blender

"So Laura I haven't gotten to really talk to you yet what do you do?"

He said trying to act like nothing happened

"Well I'm about to finish college and I have a part time as a volunteer nurse at my local hospital."

"Oh your into the medical stuff huh?"

I looked to him "no I'm just studying to be a nurse and getting some training as one so I can work at mcdonalds jc."

He laughed. I even heard Nally giggle a bit

"Aye mcdonalds is the place to be." Nally said serving some eggs on some plates

"Ya I guess your right but I don't think I would wanna work there you know?" I laughed

"Why not it's like you don't even have to leave for your lunch break just take a few sandwiches and sit in the bathroom." jc said

"Well I think after the first day and you find out how they actually make it..." Nally said we looked at each other grossed out then laughed

Cameron got up not saying a word. Nally looked at him as if she was sorry and handed him a plate with two eggs and a piece of bacon in the shape of a smiley face. Cameron smiled at her.

We all sat down to eat breakfast and talked about work, life, oh who am I kidding we spent most of the time laughing about random stuff.

*nallys POV*

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