Chapter 19: my heart is broken

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*kians POV*

I went to check up on Nally I opened her door she was laying on the ground her mascara running she was asleep...

"Oh you poor thing..." I was about to cry..

I picked her up and placed her on her bed. I was about to leave when I heard her sob...

"Nally?" I said she slowly blinked not moving her head

"Do you know how it be broken inside..."

I put my hand on her head "nally..."

"So broken that you can't help but let it out in tears! that make people wanna laugh at you! And you just wanna his away in the dark!!" Nally began crying

Ryan knocked on the door.

"Can we come in?" Christine followed him.

Nally quickly wiped her tears and sat up

"Sure..." she said trying to smiling I could tell she was forcing herself to smile

Ryan and Christine sat on her bed

"How you doing sweetie?" Christine said. Laura jc and ally followed in and surrounded Nally

"I'm fine..really I am..." it was silent

I saw nallys lip quiver

She bursted to tears "it hurts!! it hurts like shit!" She screamed it hurt me to see this way I hugged her and she grabbed my arm

Laura hugged her, then ally, then Ryan, then Christine then jc...camerin was the last to come to the tear fest. he hugged her last we were all in a group hug then we all began to cry..

"Why me.." I heard Nally whisper.

We cancelled all of our plans and stayed with Nally we watched movies and ate ice cream we took selfies and dressed up goofy while dancing to weird music. we made a video and posted it to my channel.

Nally's smile seemed more genuine with every laugh. she smiled and had fun without a care in the world

Until word started to spread that her and Connor broke up...

Connor tweeted "my heart is torn as I say good bye to @nallybeauty my love will be always be with you babe...😢"

"OMG...i just..." Nally put down her phone

"What is it?" Ryan said Nally handed him her phone

"@nallybeauty how could you break Connors heart!?" "@nallybeauty is nothing but a whore!" "@nallybeauty no words for how incredibly stupid you are! Connor loved you!" and so many more....

"Nally I'm so sorry" jc said

"It's fine hate comes with the job you know?" she laughed.

Nally tweeted "@connorfranta I'm sorry our chapter had to end so suddenly but I believe we both deserve better, I hope life treats you well bud 👍" Nally took the mature approach she then turned off her phone and proceeded with a fun night until she got a text

"It's connor..." she said

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