There Were Dragons...

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"...So, I told the Light Fury to save him. And once I did, I let go of her and I fell."

"You let go?"

"Yes, to make sure she can save him and to bring down Grimmel."

"Did...did you get hurt?" Zephyr was sitting on her bed, legs crossed, clutching her Night Fury plushie and as she listened to Hiccup's story. She loved his stories, learning about a world where there were dragons and hearing about all the crazy adventures her parents went on.

Almost every evening before bed, she would ask questions to Hiccup about dragons and he would go on and tell her those stories and she would be engaged with aspect of the story, feeling like she was there.

After hearing her question, Hiccup smiled. "Luckily, I didn't because the Light Fury managed to save me in time."

Zephyr gave a sigh of relief. "That's good. So, she saved you and Toothless."

"Exactly." he smiled.

"And what happened to Grimmel?" she asked.

"Let's just say we don't have to worry about him now. And that's the end of story." he declared.

"Yay! I really like that story." Zephyr cheered while uncrossing her legs.

"Really? What's your favourite part?" Before she could answer, the bedroom door opened and through it came Astrid, holding Nuffink in her arms.

"Looks like someone's clean." Hiccup mentioned. Astrid smirked at him before allowing Nuffink to wave at his father and sister.

"Oh, Nuff! You missed daddy's story." Zephyr exclaimed. "Grimmel took Toothless and the Light Fury and...!"

"Whoa, hold on, Zephyr. Let's not ruin the story for him, so that daddy can tell him. next time." Astrid suggested. Zephyr nodded in agreement before getting under her blanket and lying down. Astrid took Nuffink to his bed and tucked him in.

"Alright, you two, time to get some sleep." Hiccup announced. He got up from the side of the bed and gave Zephyr a kiss on her head. But as he did, he noticed that she looked unsure about something.

"Zephyr? Are you OK?" he asked.

"I'm OK, daddy." she said, but while she was OK, there was one thing bothering her. A question that always wanted to ask Hiccup, but was afraid to. Now, she really wanted to ask him, but nervous he wouldn't answer.

She watched as Hiccup went up to Nuffink to give him a kiss and Astrid came to Zephyr to do the same. Just as Hiccup was about to blow out the candles, she called out to him.

"Yes, sweetie?" he answered.

She swallowed before asking. "Can... can I ask... one more question?"

"I thought you are only allowed two question per night." Astrid reminded her.

"I know, but I really want to ask this question. One question, please!" she pleaded to Hiccup, giving him the biggest eyes she could.

Hiccup raised an eyebrow at her before chuckling and sitting at the edge of her bed.

"One question. And that's it." Hiccup declared. Zephyr nodded and grinned.

"Well, if that's the case, then Nuff's going to hear this too." Astrid proclaimed before walking up to him, whose arms were already up to be picked up. She sat on the edge as well, sitting Nuffink on her lap. 

"OK, then. What's your question?" Hiccup asked.

Zephyr took a deep breath. "Will... will the dragons ever come?"

Hiccup and Astrid's eyes grew in shock before looking at each other. Astrid then gave him a nod, which made him sigh before turning to face his daughter.

"One day. Hopefully." he simply said.

"But why did they go in the first place?" Zephyr asked.

Hiccup sighed. "We love dragons, but not everyone did. They will use them for their own gain, and that wasn't right. So, we had to let them go, so that they can safe... away from us." There was a silence in room, with the kids absorbing this new information.

"I wish I could see a dragon." Nuffink said.

"I know you do." Astrid smiled. "Maybe one day. But only when the world is safe for them."

"Exactly and when that happens, you'll be able to see a dragon." Hiccup smiled before giving Zephyr a kiss on the head again.

"Alright, kids. Now it's time to bed." Astrid proclaimed. The children agreed and they lied down in their beds, with the candles out and fell asleep. As Hiccup and Astrid headed downstairs, a thought came into Hiccup's mind.

"Astrid? Do you think we could... visit the Hidden World? Just to see how our dragons are doing?"

Astrid's eyes grew at the suggestion before sighing. "I don't know. I would like to, but it can be very risky. Plus, it's been 10 years. Do you think they'll remember us?"

"Not sure. But... I think it's worth a try to find out."

Before We Met Again (HTTYD One-Shots)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon