An Old Friend

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The afternoon had just arrived on New Berk, with the sun shining high in the sky and the wind blowing softly through the grass and trees. Astrid was at home facing one of her biggest challenges yet – getting Zephyr to eat her food.

Hiccup was called to help with an unexpected ship arriving, so it was just Zephyr and Astrid, who decided to begin feeding her. 5 minutes had passed, and Zephyr hadn't even had a peak on the food. Most Vikings would give up at this point, but not Astrid – no matter how frustrating it was.

"Alright, Zephyr. We've been at this for too long. You got to have to eat at some point." Astrid mentioned to her one-year old daughter. Zephyr was sitting on her lap, with her hand in her month and looking up with her big round eyes. Astrid took a deep breath before raising the spoon of her oatmeal up to her month. But Zephyr kept moving her head away from it, whining as she did.

Astrid sighed. "Why it is easier for Hiccup?" Suddenly, a knock came upon the door.

"Right, this isn't over." Astrid proclaimed to Zephyr before placing the spoon down and carrying her to the front door and opened the door.

Her body froze, her eyes grew wide and a big smile came onto her face.

"Heather?!" Standing in front of her was her best friend, whom she hadn't seen for a very long time. Heather grinned as she laughed. Astrid laughed as well before giving her a tight hug.

"Oh my gods! It's been so long! How are you?" Astrid exclaimed as they pulled back from their long hug.

"I'm fine, thanks." Heather answered. Before she spoke again, her eyes were drawn towards the little girl in Astrid's arms, hiding her head behind her.

"Is that... your daughter?!" she asked with shock.

Astrid chuckled. "Yes, it is. Her name is Zephyr." She then turned to Zephyr. "Do you want to say hi?" Zephyr slowly peaked from behind Astrid's back, but quickly hid back.

They both laughed. "She can be shy sometimes." Astrid explained. "Anyway, come in." Heather gladly entered the household. They then made their way to the table and sat down opposite each other.

"So, I'm guessing you're the unexpected guest?" Astrid asked.

"I guess so." Heather laughed. "Dagur and I thought it was about time we visited you guys. Sorry it took long, though."

"Oh, don't worry. I just assumed you didn't know our new location." Astrid mentioned.

"I wish I could lie, but that's not the case." Heather chuckled. "No, Hiccup came to Berserker Island a while ago to tell us you're living somewhere else. He also... told us about..." She trailed off, looking down on the ground. Astrid was confused, but then she realised what she was talking about.

"Oh. He told you what happened to the dragons." she said. Heather slowly nodded her head, still looking down. Then, her anger appeared on her face as she clenched her fist on the table.

"If that Grimmel was still here, I would...!" She stopped herself, exhaling sharply to release the anger in her. Then, a tear fell from her eyes.

"It all came so suddenly. Windshear and I were flying together, then suddenly, we heard a loud roar, so she flew back down like something was wrong. I got off and asked her what's wrong. She looked up to the sky, gave me a sad look...hugged me and... and...left..." The tears were falling like a waterfall. Even though this happened years ago, it still felt like yesterday.

Astrid comforted her before she was able to stop her tears from falling anymore. She apologised for her sudden outburst.

"Hey, it's OK. Sometimes, it still hurts me too. But Windshear and all the other dragons are safe now. That's what matters."

Heather nodded in agreement. "Anyway, enough about me. What about you? Astrid Hofferson as a mother?"

Astrid laughed. "Yeah, well, it isn't easy." She then tried to give Zephyr her food, but she once again moved her head away from the spoon. Heather couldn't help but laugh at this. Astrid sighed at her defeat, but smiled, seeing Zephyr now playing with her hair. She picked up, allowing her to stand on her lap.

"It isn't easy, but I wouldn't have it any other way." she smiled, giving Zephyr a quick kiss on her head.

The girls continued to talk with each other, catching up on everything. And as if time decided to speed up, it was time for Heather to head back home. Astrid escorted her to the dorks, taking Zephyr with her. Once they were there, they met up Hiccup, alongside Dagur and Mala, with whom Astrid greeted and had a quick chat with. Afterwards, they all said their goodbyes as they entered their boats. The Haddocks watched as the boat lowered down in the sea.

"Well, that was nice, seeing them again." Hiccup mentioned.

"Yes, it was." Astrid smiled, seeing the boat sail away from New Berk.

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