Chapter Two

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"Alyssa freaking give me back my t-shirt." I tell at my sister.

"No! It's mine now until you give me back my yellow Tube top!" She yells. I groan.

"Oh will you two stop it! It's annoying! Just share a freaking closet!" My older brother, Trey yells at us.

"Someone's not in a good mood!" I hear my sister yell.

"All of you quit it!" My mom yells. Making us shut up.

"Plus don't think I don't know about you guys riding with a stranger." She says.

Alyssa and Trey turn to look at me. I bite my lip. I mutter a sorry.

I throw myself on the couch bored. I feel my phone vibrate from under mean forgetting I had it in my front pocket. I open it seeing a text message;


Hey! It's the guy from yesterday!

Oh hello!  Jack , right?

Yes! Oh my god! You remembered hahaha

Hahahaha ya why wouldn't i remember?

Most people don't pay attention to people

Read: 3:43

I didn't get to answer due to my brother running away from with my phone.

"Give me my phone back Trey!" I yell chasing him.
"Ohhhh! Who's this! Jacckkkk oooooh! Emily has a boyfriend mom!" He says.

I stop. "Mom! Treys been fucking girls." I tell my mom.
"What the hell Emily?!" Trey yells at me pushing me.

"That's what you get for being a gossip." I say sticking my tongue out. He rolls his eyes throwing my phone.

I scream. My mom yelling at Trey. I ran to check in my phone seeing it was perfectly fine. I laughed in his face before running to my room.

Im glad my parents found this house because we all got our own room. I don't what i would do if I had to share a room again with Alyssa.

So how old are you

19 hbu?


Really when did you turn 19?

June 10, wbu?

Sept 10. Damn your older than me... not fair

If it helps... I didn't think you were 19. I thought u was like 21

Really? I mean I guess I win on who looks older 🤙🏽

I mean..... that Can also look like a bad thing. Cuz people could think you'll look 60 hahaha

Well smh🤦🏽‍♀️


You wanna hang out?

I mean sure... when?

You can decide.... I'm down for tomorrow or the next day.

I think I can do tomorrow.

Alright I guess I'll see your tomorrow gorgeous.
Read : 4:05

Oh my god..... he called me gorgeous. I grinned to myself. I don't ever really talk to guys. Just because... my brother never lets me. Even though most guys that are friends with him like me more.

Also because I'm a girl and I have boobs and a small butt. Kinda wish I had a bigger one, but I still love my butt.

I hope we become friends.


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