"I was already planning on some girl talk, but now I see it's an absolute necessity. Marc, go tell Lucifer he needs you."

            Marcus' brows furrowed, his head cocking to the side. "What-"

            "Did I stutter?" Ammi didn't falter, capitalizing on his obvious confusion.

            His face became downright thunderous. "Don't you order me around like-"

            "Chop chop, the Cursed aren't hunting themselves!" Ammi chirped as she held the door open with a flourish.    

            Marcus held his ground stubbornly, crossing his thick forearms over his chest. He glowered at the goddess like a disapproving parent, a look that would've made me quail beneath him. Ammi, however, only smiled brighter.

            "Damn, you're acting more and more like Luce every day. Watch out Kaiah, pretty soon he's going to start growling when anything with a dick gets within a five-foot radius."

            I flushed scarlet at her words. She really had no filter.

            "I'm not leaving, Amirykal. You can have her after breakfast, provided I'm in a good mood." Marcus' voice rang with finality, but I suspect it would have had no effect on Ammi had I not spoken up. 

            "It's okay Ammi, I want him to stay for a bit," I admitted, half because I wanted to end the confrontation and half because I really didn't want my time with my Champion to end just yet.

            Ammi raised an incredulous brow. "Alright, no hard feelings. But you owe me every juicy, sordid detail after breakfast," she winked cheekily, "I'll corrupt you yet Kai-Kai."

            "That's my job," Marcus replied without so much as a beat of hesitation, before raising a hand. "Now, get out before I make you."

            "Sheesh, I get no love here," Ammi complained, backing away. "I'll leave. Last time you teleported me my curls were frizzy for a week. Ain't risking that shit again. See you soon, Kaiah!"

            The door closed, and Marcus rolled his eyes.

            "She's like a kid sister I can't shake."

            I giggled at the harried look on his face. "I like her."

            He shook his head in mock-sadness, "Most people do. The rest want to remove her head from her shoulders. There's no in-between." He looked me up and down carefully before asking, "did you sleep better?"

            "Much," I nodded, "better than I have since I was sixteen."

            His eyes darkened. "I don't like hearing that shit, babygirl. Breaks my heart."

            "Let's not talk about it then," I replied, opening my arms. "Good morning, Champ."

            His lips tugged up at the corners, but he otherwise didn't comment on the nickname.

            "It's the best morning, babygirl."

            He accepted my wordless invitation, sweeping me up into his arms and making me squeal in delight. His warm body felt so comforting against my own that I melted into his embrace, tucking my head into the crook of his neck and shoulder. He shuddered as my breath ghosted across his skin, causing goosebumps to rise and a giddy smile to light up my face. Was it wrong that affecting him like this made me feel so warm inside? Maybe, but I found I didn't really care.

Marcus' PreyWhere stories live. Discover now