16 The cave

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Woyoung POV

We looked where Mina pointed to see a cave there.
" Wow " Mark said " I was expecting so much more than this one "
" It's better than nothing " Mina said as she ran towards it.
I followed her behind while the boys stayed back.
" It's not bad to sleep in right? " I asked.
" I mean it's not dusty " She said " I just wanna rest you know "

She sat down and lean against the wall.
I also sat down but faced her.
" Guys! " I said as I look at the boys
" Hurry up! "
The boys came and took a seat with us.
" I think this will be perfect to sleep for the night huh? " Mina said as she smiled.
" I mean I guess " Mark said " But we have no sleeping bag "
Oh shit he rite.

" Oh we don't " I said as my voice trailed off " Let's just deal with it however we can then "
" Sure " Jisung said " I'm hungry any one else? "
We all started grabbing the bag and took out some chips.
We ate some potato chips and crunched on them.

The last couple of hours we were eating and talking until it got dark.
" Should we set a fire? " Mark asked.
" I don't know " Mina said " We have to find some branches first "
We all stood up and left the cave to look for some branches.
We were pretty far away from the cave but we knew the way back since all we did was keep going straight.

We later came back with some big branches and Mark set the little ones on fire first while Mina rubbed some together.
I put some leaves around the circle as Mark light up the match.
He threw the match and we watch as the fire stared to form.

It soon got darker while we just sit there in silence and now it's fully night time.
We were in the cave and I lie down next to Mina and Jisung.
The warmth of the fire was keeping us warm in the cold night.
I was still shivering till Mina handed me some blankets.
I turned her side and put my arm on the ground and lay my head on it like it was a pillow.
" Goodnight " My voice was deep and raspy.
Seconds later everyone else had also said
" Good night "
And we all drifted to sleep.


Sorry for the short chapter the next one will be long!

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