Chapter 9:

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Karen sat down on her bed, feeling completely over with life. Even though they weren't really together, it hurt her so much that her first love was hurting badly just because of something she had done. Boss has never had children outside of them and she couldn't believe she stepped out first. Guilt dominated her mind. The thing that annoyed her was that her fifth child has a different father; she didn't know if she was going to love it the same, or what people would say and how that child would feel growing up and being the odd one out. She couldn't take it all.
James, Karen and Nicholas's eldest son, was searching for his mother when he heard sniffing thus causing him to run into his mothers bathroom. He witnessed her over dosing on some pills, instead of just freezing in shock, he knocked the bottle out of his mothers hands and slapped her in the face allowing the pills to fly out of her mouth. Unfortunately, she had swallowed a few but not enough to do serious damage.
"Mum! What the hell?" His 14 year old brain was outraged. He could barely focus. She didn't respond. "I'm calling dad" he announced.
"Don't you dare" she replied through coughs. Nick could and must not know what she had just attempted, he would make the children stay with his mother like before or worst. She hadn't thought of the consequences of her trying to take her own life until now. "I really fucked up" she sobbed to herself quietly, not like any of her children actually cared about her in comparison to their father.

Boss studied the boy walking in front of him. He couldn't believe he actually fell so low and plotted against him but he also was not too surprised.
Given that he has powerful family members who are  very persuasive and persistent, he understood but the boy had to be punished.
"Get in the car" he spoke as he opened the doors with his keys. Cal felt his stomach turn as he was starting to have an unsettling feeling which resulted in him feeling worried and anxious due to guilt. Once he was seated and had his seatbelt on, he asked Boss a question, "Where we going?".
"You're not in a position to ask questions" he responded lowly. Cal decided to not speak for the rest of the journey before he fucked up.
Whilst driving, Boss heard his phone go off and skim read it, he couldn't answer at that moment and the message was slowly starting to kill him, it read: "Dad, it's mum. She tryna leave us, call soon".
He knew exactly what that meant and he really didn't want to have to handle Karen again as it would be worst. With that, he started speeding down back roads, he needed Cal's ass dealt with fast.

Rows was growing suspicious of where Boss and Cal has left to as something wasn't sitting right with him. "Ayy D, where you think they're gone?"
"Shit I don't know. He probably just has an assignment" Drills couldn't give two fucks, simply because it wasn't his business.
"Cal barely gets those, you know who his uncle is? Boss don't wanna risk him".
Drills turned to his friend, shaking his head "well it's clear that you obviously do not know the Boss everyone else does" he paused, gathering his things to leave, "later g". Drills left Rows sitting there on his phone, he had his own stuff to sort out instead of worrying about others.

Opening his door, he realised a black envelope on the floor and he picked it up before shutting the door. 'DRILLS' marked on it in a blood red colour.
"The hell?" he said his thoughts aloud whilst tearing the envelope open.
He stood there in disbelief, baffled and shocked cause he swore him and Scar didn't have any witnesses. He dialled Scar up with a quickness.

After a few rings he picked up, "Ayy Bro. I cant really talk right now, what's up?"
"Someone fucking Knows, threatening my marj's life".
"Cardo man"
"What the fuck bruv?"
"You get a letter?"
"I haven't been home lately, imma go check it out"
"Kl, just link me after"
"Ite g".

Drills was not going to freak out and start accusing people though, he knew that there were people out there that just want to fuck with him but this felt different. He needed to remember the other guys Cardo used to chill with or family members who would automatically blame Scar and himself.

"You leaving me already?" a worn out Roxanne asked. Her thighs and pussy were throbbing and she was really out of it.
"I got work to do, beautiful, I'll come back later yeah?"
He leaned down to kiss her as he buckled his Louis Vuitton belt, he just wanted to snuggle up with her and do another round but when duty calls it must be done.
He really wanted to find out who was fucking with him.  Posting letters and shit, he was going to take their souls. Niggas like that are just full of shit and aren't on anything really. They don't know what him and Drills are like but they were going to find out soon.
He jumped in his car and sped off home to investigate, whilst in the car though, he randomly thought about that phone call he had the other day, with a person he thought left him alone years ago and what they wanted. He had too much to do, especially with all that extra work Boss has assigned him with. Roxanne wouldn't be seeing much of either of them however, Scar was going to try and see her as much as he could. Their bond was everything to him. They've gotten so much closer in the space of one night, he wanted to stay inside her.

James made sure his younger siblings stayed away from their mother whilst she was in that state but he didn't have to do much because she isolated herself anyway. She didn't want her children to be haunted by this image of their mother but she also mentally wasn't strong enough to sort herself out. Karen sat on the ground in her bathroom wishing the floor would just swallow her and take her away. She didn't even want to think about dealing with her husband as she just did not have the strength, not even to fight for her children.  She was that low.

UNDERESTIMATEDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora