Chapter 4:

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Giggles escaped her mouth as her cheeks turned rosy due to her conversation with Scar. He wasn't saying much as it was hard for him to talk to her because the kiss unleashed a part of him that he tried his best to compress from her. His thinking was excessive at the moment, she really has got him wrapped around her finger. Roxanne was just happy that he was reaching out to her. She was anxious that she would've made interacting with her awkward for him but she didn't. Their 33 second conversation was cut short as she heard the rustling of the sheets meaning Boss was getting up.
"I'll come by yours later" was the last words she heard before hanging up. She didn't want to reply in case Boss heard her but she was fucked because she couldn't take that wide ass smile off her face. Boss wasn't stupid, he would question her. She couldn't lie to him, especially the look in his eyes, it made her melt.
Before she could make her way back in the room, she was greeted with a firm smack on her bottom followed by two hands gripping her meat.  Boss loved her ass, not too big or small, just right; that shit soft as fuck too. He thought about the way she threw that ass back last night and smiled.
"Oww man"she complained as her ass was now stinging her.
"Shut up" he replied, running into the bathroom to take care of his hygiene, laughing at her. Roxanne decided to spread the bed as she had already dealt with her hygiene. Observing the room, she tidied up a bit as things were out of place.
"Thanks" he said dryly, he was grateful though. Instead of speaking she smiled, not bothering to look at him.
As soon as she finished, he was dressed and heading downstairs to the kitchen, Roxanne followed leaving a distance between them. She couldn't help but think of 'what if?'situations as it cascaded her mind. All she could think about was seeing Scar.
Will he be mad at me?
Will he allow me to ever kiss him again?
What if he says he doesn't like me like that ?
She laughed at the last thought as she found it ridiculous that she Roxanne Leia Reed would ever be friend zoned. Fuck that.
"Roxanne, you need to get a new packet of pills b" Boss told her randomly.
"What if I want a baby ?" She argued. She really didn't want one but she just wanted to challenge him.
"Well I don't. Go fuck someone else for one"
"I already am" she tried to hold a serious straight face simultaneously as Bosses face was full of shock. Then he approached her, whispering in her ear. 
"I quadruple dare you to play me...I'll kill you" he laughed as he kissed her neck and caressed her in his arms.
There was something very dark about that particular laugh which Spooked Roxanne out.
But she continued to play.
"Well a baby with someone else has to wait, I've missed my period for two months in a row now" she sighed making direct eye contact with her 'baby daddy'.
"So that's how you break the news to me ?" He sounded disappointed.
She hit his arm playfully "Babe I'm scared" she pretended.
Boss, lost for words, just held her in his embrace. He really didn't think she was lying but he didn't want to say the wrong thing in case she was joking. He would've dropped her to the clinic his damn self or the other option was to move her to the country side and give her money every month. Visiting her when he could, but that option was a little bit too expensive, he rarely gave Roxanne money presently anyway. Occasional gifts but they were always small. He never felt the need to give her anything materialistic or money just cause she was his 'lover'. She was part of his organisation and made her own money from successfully completing her tasks. As sad as this seems, Boss vowed to himself that he will always protect her, he tried to keep to this promise as he was afraid to lose her. She almost died two years ago when she was nineteen. It was then he realised how much he loved the girl for real.

Their moment was interrupted by the sound of a beeping noise. The waffles Boss was making was finished. He placed freshly cut pieces of strawberries on each waffle and drizzled it in strawberry syrup and whites chocolate. They both liked the same things on their waffles which made his job easier.
He brought Roxannes plate to the table for her as she brought the two mugs of hot chocolate topped with whipped cream and cinnamon. Their breakfast was like a night time snack but there would be times where Roxanne would throw it down in the kitchen but Boss beat her down there, her mind wasn't focused on cooking this morning.
They sat opposite each other and said their grace whilst holding hands.
Times like this I could really get used to, he thought,knowing that this was near impossible at this present time.
Key word:'near', he wanted to try but he wasn't as serious as he wanted to be. He had too much shit to manage.
"I've got a doctors appointment on Friday"she announced, breaking the silence.
"Tomorrow is Friday. How you getting there?
"Sorry if you didn't notice, I've got two legs and two feet"
Boss cut his eyes at her as she smiled.
"I'll drive you there myself"
"No thanks, plus it's next week Friday not tomorrow" she exclaimed, taking a sip of her hot chocolate.
"How could you be pregnant tho?"He said more so to him self than her, he carried on before she could cut in with her smart mouth.
"Roxanne, you're not pregnant" he stated simply.
He had to say those words out loud so he could believe that.
She laughed, showing off her pearly whites, if she was ever pregnant she would've broke down in front of him ages ago. She was on birth control and the times when she wasn't, plan b was her best friend.
Having Bosses child would cause too much unnecessary havoc which she definitely did not want.
After having a moment of silence, avoiding eye contact with Boss that whole time, she spoke up, looking at him. "Yeah, you're right. I could never have your child"she confessed.
It puzzled Boss that she would say something like that, he thought the girl was head over heels for him. Now he wanted to impregnate her on purpose and see what choices she makes for real.
"Never have my child? You'll be lucky if I ever give you the chance" he scoffed.
"Now tidy up and get dressed, we've got a meeting to attend"
Nothing was said after that as Roxanne made her way to the kitchen whilst Boss made his way up to his bedroom.

As he inhaled his spliff, he couldn't help but think about the most beautiful girl he had ever laid eyes on. Accepting to be just friends because they were team mates and he didn't want to break her heart.
She fucking kissed me, what the fuck? He thought exhaling and letting his high take over.

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