Chapter 7:

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The room was so silent it was almost deafening. Scar was struggling to find the right words to start the conversation that was so important for them to have. His mind was going blank at the wrong time and it was so unfortunate. He was nervous. Roxanne was making him nervous and he wasn't used to it.
He palmed his forehead in annoyance.

"Look Rox, I don't really know what the fuck is going on...but this is not going to work" he said, looking her straight in the eyes. In response to this Roxanne shook her head, she didn't even have a come back to snap on him, she was defeated because it was the truth.

"I just don't want to complicate our relationship anymore. You know how much I care about you and how close we are but I can't give you the love you deserve. I'll probably end up breaking you".
Roxanne couldn't do anything but cry, her heart was hurting and her body was burning. She knew it was the right choice but she just wasn't with it. She wanted Scar, wanted him bad and no just was not going to satisfy her.
"No, I can't let it be this way Scar" she spoke softly in a way that was also kind of sexy, which she continued to do on purpose.
"I've got feelings for you, there I said it and I'm craving you. You can't say you're not craving me either" she stated giving body movements and pure feistiness. He came closer to her and held her hips, his breathing on her neck as she swung her arms around his neck smiling. She felt super horny and in her mind right now was 'fuck Boss'. She was also scared though as she has only ever been with him but her desire of feeling Scar was not new at all.

"I really can't believe this shit!" She exclaimed angrily on the phone. Karen was mortified that she let this happen. "Calm down, it's just a baby, there's so many options" her friend Stacey tried to reassure her.
"Just a baby? Just a fucking baby. You forgot the part where I had an affair. Nicholas is going to want a divorce, that will mentally break the kids Stace".
"Well, you knew what you was doing when your legs were spread open, I thought you said that you and Nick were separated anyways?"
"Yes, we were" she continued to lie, "it's just the whole trust thing, like he's always away and I get he's a business man but he never seems to have time for me".
"But you did say he always talks to the kids and takes them out whenever and-".
Karen cut in before Stacey could finish justifying for Nick. "That's the thing, it was only for the children. I can't even remember the last time he has actually looked at me lustfully", she replied honestly, scratching her head as tears brimmed her eyes. She was stressed out. Her husband was not in love with her anymore and it's been this way for a while but now it's hitting her even harder because she was afraid. Afraid because she was pregnant and the fifth child she conceived was not his.
"Just call him, bye girl" Stacey said, cutting the line without giving her friend a chance to reply.

Speeding down the high way, his lips formed a dark grin as he thought about the punishment he was going to give to this new found traitor. The profits and the work rate this particular young man was bringing in was a tad bit too high,in comparison to his expected abilities and this was enough to make Boss suspect something. This traitor was a good worker and over the years, he has in fact proven his loyalty but unfortunately he was sucked into betrayal. Boss's initial plan was not to kill the boy, just to cause him immense fear and lead him to turn on the guys who made the boy turn on him. Just as he was in deep thought, his phone lit up signalling he had an incoming call which was from his real wife.
"Karen" he spoke, nonchalantly.
"We need to talk" she managed to push out but it was hard due to her crying.
"Are you crying? What the fuck? Where's my kids?"
He asked sternly as he applied more pressure on the acceleration pedal. His heart stung him as he thought about anything bad happening to his creations. That's all he cared about, her however, not so much.
"Our kids are fine", she replied, putting emphasis on the word 'our', "I wanted to discuss us".
Boss's face twisted in disgust. He was perplexed. The fuck she mean us he thought. He told her years ago what she was and her role in his life, all he wanted from her was respect and trust and to raise his kids right when he wasn't around. Now all of a sudden she wanted to talk about their relationship years later, without there ever being a problem prior to this.
"What's going on for real? Do not fuck with me woman"
"I'm-I'm pregnant" as soon as those words left her mouth she felt her soul leave her body in fear. She did not know what to expect and when they were actually in love with each other, Boss was violent and their relationship was pretty toxic but it wasn't all his fault though. Karen was mischievous but she was also a ride or die and has proven to Boss that she can play her role and hold it down. When Boss was Nicholas, in the legal business world, his wife was a well-known accountant and them together was top of the class. Karen helped push him up when he was so down, which is a reason why he still tolerated her other than the fact that she bared his children.
Boss was fuming, those words replayed in his head like a broken record.
He cleared his throat before he spoke "So...what you're telling me is that you have a next man around my kids?"
Trembling she replied "No, not really but what the hell did you expect? I know you got your bitches around you all the time".
"Oh, so you really had a nigga playing daddy to my kids. Okay Karen, enjoy yourself whilst you still can" his voice was so calm, it was freaking her out. She knew that he was crazy, so she thought about staying in a hotel for a while, just to be safe.
He hung up the phone, as he wasn't interested in what she had to say. He was hurting. His wife really disrespected him and for her to do this, made him want to kill her. They were really cool, she could have just told him she wanted to see someone else seriously, she knew he was fucking bitches but she thought he would never love again and even when they were in love with each other, he did have little flings but he always chose her in front of everyone and it made her feel better. The last time they were with each other though, Boss did say he wasn't dealing with any other bitches as he was on his grind, this was somewhat a lie as he was in love with Roxanne but then again Roxanne wasn't classed as a bitch to him.
At this moment though, Boss really did feel defeated, she was having a fifth child and it wasn't his.

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