Chapter 8:

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Drills was sat with his two other friends, Rows and Cal, who were the only other people that knew him personally other than Scar in the business. Cal and Rows didn't know that Drills helped get rid of Cardo, they only knew of Scars involvement and spoke about him negatively. From the beginning everyone hated on Scar anyway, it was easy for him to stand alone, he barely trusted anyone. Scar had a deadly name before anyone really got to know him, his whole demeanour rubbed a weak man the wrong way instantly.
"Scar thinks he's too good for us, real shit" Rows started.
"Word, I ain't scared of that nigga, he a snake"  Cal agreed.
Drills shook his head, but he didn't verbally stick up for Scar but if it was the other way round, Scar wouldn't let them disrespect Drills. Drills was not trying to get involved. He would be lying if he said he didn't dislike the words coming out their mouths but given their environment, it wasn't the place or time for this conflict.
They were chilling in the bando but in the basement, which looked awful. Torn wall paper, old worn out couches and a long, rectangular table with all sorts of things on it. The wood on the table has been scraped and the ceiling looked as though it could cave in at any moment but it was strong. These places where members of Boss's team would be, were not in nice conditions but that's just what they have to stick with, especially as they move locations frequently and the feds are sticking to them like glue so there was no point in decorating the place or finding something lavish. Under the basement there was another basement where they kept their crops and money. It was also where most of the gore took place, it had a secret entrance and exit and only certain team members had permission to go down there.

Finally Drills spoke up after debating with himself "You lot know that Cardo was stealing our money and products right?" The two had been rambling on, it was pissing him off.
Cal shrugged his shoulders, there was obviously a reason behind his late friends doing, he wasn't having any justification for Scars actions. He will be so shocked when he finds out Drills played a part in this, or would he even ever find out? Cal wasn't  so trustworthy either as his family were the Latinos and the Colombians. They operated in various parts of London. Most importantly though, his uncle was a kingpin in Atlanta, and Boss knows this, but he hasn't got beef with Lorenz, (the uncle), yet as his products are only operating in a small part of Atlanta.
Just then a guy called Q came running in, "Boss has arrived everyone, sort everything out", he alerted them.  Boss expects top notch only and sometimes his people slip up, so this little warning gives time to pattern up or at least make it look patterned before Boss shoots them in the head. Cal, Rows and Drills were okay as they finished their runs for the hour and has already broke down their buds and sorted their packs. So they were chilling, when Boss entered.

"Cal, come I need to talk to you" he said casually, walking around his spot, observing everyone's work. Cal got up and met boss and they left together. Boss knew what Cal was up to and he wasn't surprised that he turned out to do this. He was going to deal with him, the old fashioned way. Drills knew something was up, he didn't care though cause the eediat chats too much shit.

It was happening.
Roxanne and Scar were sucking and kissing on each other. The two were sharing the same feelings for each other. It was like a volcano erupting. She was so wet and greedy for him. Their kisses were so passionate and they really felt each other's love for one another through it. He sucked on her neck whilst playing with her clit, loving the sounds of her wetness. Her nipple in his mouth as she moaned in reaction to the tingling sensation she was receiving. She wasn't going to stop him. She wasn't going to see Boss for a while and she didn't have anything to lose. Scar was a lover man for the right woman, the right woman was Roxanne. He was going to let her feel every inch of him. His tongue was going to feel her body, he was licking her down, her skin was glistening. It was beautiful to him.

"It makes sense that they would do that, they were his closest friends-frenemies" he finished.
"But you can't just jump to conclusions now, it may have been someone who had beef with him" the other man argued.
"What? Are you dumb? His body still isn't found, there's no trace, his opps would've made it known that they duppied him"  he retorted. His blood was boiling with anger, he was furious but couldn't act cause he lacked vital information.
"Cardo may not even be dead, probably ran away".
"Without telling his girl? Leaving his kids? Naa, that ain't a Cardo act, no one could scare him like that".
"You really think Boss did this?"
"Naa, not that dickhead, them two minions Cardo had, that acted all tough".
"Scar and Drills?"
"Yeah" he said before exhaling the smoke. "They're going to feel everything. They fucked up our operation, took one of our soldiers and swore up and down that they were all bros for life. Fucking bullshit!" he shouted, his eyes were dim and presented evil in them. He was determined not to let them get away. He hates betrayal and snakes when it's not in his own favour. It's a mind fuck cause Cardo was a snake towards his 'closest' people, the only difference was it was for him. This made him encourage it but it's fucked cause now he has lost everything. Well that is what it seemed like.

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