Chapter 1

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Hey guys welcome to my story I guess I'm a little nervous for writing this I hope I can do my best to write this and having fun for this book and I always ship Karmagisa from the being and I will start writing my favorite ship and this Female Nagisa x Karma story and I hope you like it and I hope you like my new story and plus I work hard on this and let's get on with this chapter

Unknown POV
"Once upon a time, long long ago, well more like 20 years Mrs. Akabane marry Mr. Akabane in front of 6,000 of their closest personal friends. Big cake, yeah so instead of the honeymoon, Mr. Akabane, United all of the kingdoms and got himself elected king of United States of auradon, he rounded up all the villains and sidekicks basically all really interesting people and he booted them off to the Isle of the Lost with a magical barrier to keep them there, this is my hood. No magic, no WiFi, no way out or so I thought. Hang on you're about to meet us, but first this happened."

Nobody POV
Karma looks outside of window and see Isle of Lost and someone was doing measuring of the Karma's head and Mr. Akabane and Mrs. Akabane came up to see their son. Mr. Akabane said "How it possible that you're gonna be crowned king next month. You're just a baby." Mrs. Akabane said "He turning 16 dear." Karma said "Hey pops" "16 it's far too young to be crowned kind, I didn't make a good decision till I was 42." Mr. Akabane said when was the king. "You decided to marry me at 28." Mrs. Akabane annoyed face "I was either you were a teapot." Mr. Akabane was joking around and Karma laughed a bit. "Kidding."

"Mom and Dad-" Karma was interrupted someone because he was measuring his clothes "ah mm-hmm" he said as a no. "I choose my first official proclamation  I've decided that the children on the Isle of the Lost be give a chance to live here in auradon, every time I look out to the island, I feel like they're been abandoned" Karma was walk up to his parents, Mr. Akabane looks serious and mad. "The children of our sworn enemies living among us." "Well started out with few first only ones who need our help the most, I've already chosen them." Mr. Akabane was mad at Karma.

"Have you" Mrs. Akabane was protecting Karma "I give you a second chance, who are their parents?" Karma responded back "Karela de vill, Jafar, Evil Queen, ...and Hiromi." (OK I couldn't think of any names for Japanese so I am sorry anyways let's continue it OK) when Karma said Hiromi The assistant freak out Drop what he had in his hand and Mr. Akabane was very mad and he yell "Hiromi, she's the worst villain in the land-!" "Dad just hear me out-" Mr. Akabane was upset "I won't hear it, they are guilty of unspeakable."

Karma defend "Dad their children are innocent, don't you think they deserve a shot at a normal life, dad." Mr. Akabane didn't know what to do because his son is stubborn and he cool down and said. "I suppose the are innocent." Then he turn around and walks away and stands up and wait for his wife. Mrs. Akabane was smiling at Karma and Karma smile back at his mom. "Well done" Mrs. Akabane walks to her husband said "shall we?"  and together walks away from Karma and Karma walk up to the window and see Isle of Lost.

Let's go Isle of Lost warning this is a song and this nobody POV

Nagisa: "They I'm trouble, they say I'm bad, that made me glad."

Terasaka: "A dirty no good, down to the bone, your worst nightmare, can't take me home."

Kayano: "So I've got some mischief in my blood. Can you blame me? I never got no love."

Sugino: "They think I'm callous, a lowlife hood, I feel so useless."

All of them: "Misunderstood!"

Nagisa and Kayano: "Mirror mirror on the wall, who the baddest of them all? Welcome to my wicked world, wicked world."

All of them: "I'm to the core, core, rotten to the core, I'm to the core, core, who could ask for more?"

All of them: "I'm nothing like the kid next- like the kid next door, I'm rotten to (core), I'm rotten to the (core), I'm rotten to core."

Nagisa: "Call me a schemer, call me a Freak, how call say that? I'm just...unique."

Terasaka: "What, me a trader, ain't got your back? Are not friends? What's up with that?"

Kayano: "So I'm a misfit, so I'm a flirt, I broke your heart, I made you hurt."

Sugino: "The past is past, forgive, forget, the truth is...

All of them: "you ain't seen nothing yet!"

Nagisa and Kayano: "Mirror mirror on the wall, who the baddest of them all? Welcome to my wicked world, wicked world."

Then everyone look at them and started dancing with them

All of them:  "I'm to the core, core, rotten to the core, I'm to the core, core, who could ask for more? I'm nothing like the kid next- like the kid next door, I'm rotten to (core), I'm rotten to the (core), I'm rotten to core."

And then there were done dancing Nagisa looks at the kid and takes away the candy and laughs everyone did as well and then two person were walking everyone was scared and ran away or hide. Nagisa turn around at the two people and she was happy. "Hi mom"

To be continued I hope you like this and I tried my best and please don't hate this because this is my second fan fiction and I never wrote this much this was the first time to write a lot and the words in total are 951 words including not the author notes and I never wrote that much of the first chapter but I hope you like this and please continue reading this I would be happy and I don't care how much views I have, it's about having fun for writing, I love writing and I'm can I still continue this I hope you like this

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