chapter 2

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Dillon's POV

I walked into Taylor and I's apartment that we shared and set my stuff down on the table. I went upstairs to my room and sat down on my bed and went on my phone.

I scrolled through twitter and favorited some fans tweets. One caught my eye though.

(These aren't real twitter names)

"@dillonsfavetho: @Ruppism_ @taylorcaniff I ship #daylor!!!"

I favorited it.

Then I got a notification.

'@ taylorcaniff mentioned you .'

I clicked on the tweet and read it.

"@taylorcaniff: @Ruppism_ hey go get food I'm hungry and I'm at the skatepark with some of my friends I'll be home in like an hour"

A rush of jealousy went through me as I read that he was at the skatepark with his friends. Why didn't Taylor invite me?

I sighed a replied back.

"@Ruppism_: @taylorcaniff yeah sure"

I pressed tweet and headed out to get some food.


Taylor's POV

I felt my phone vibrate and saw that Dillon had tweeted me back.

I looked at the tweet

"@Ruppism_: @taylorcaniff yeah sure"

I locked my phone and looked to see what my friends were doing. I grabbed my skateboard and went over to them.

They turned to me when they saw me.

"Hey bro, we're gonna go to my place later and hang, wanna come?" My friend Bryan said.

"Yeah sure, can Dillon come?" I asked.

"I don't care just be there by five-ish," Bryan said.


We stayed for a couple more minutes then I headed back home.



So I had some time to update so here's number 2. I'm leaving for my bus right now so see ya I hope you enjoyed.

Goodbye my lovelies.

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