chapter 23

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Taylor's POV

"As of right now, he isn't gonna make it."

My heart just about stopped.

"What do you mean he isn't gonna make it?!" I yelled.

"He's suffering some bad injuries in just about every part of his body. I'm sorry. We will try everything we can to keep him alive and okay," the ambulance guy said.

I nodded and felt a tear roll down my cheek.

"Please, don't let him die. He's my everything," my voice cracked as I said that.

"We'll try everything we can sir."

I saw them put him up in the back of the ambulance truck and drive away. I looked over at Nash. He looked at me sadly. He opened his arms out for me.

I ran and sobbed onto his chest. He rubbed my back.

"Nash, what if he doesn't make it?" I cried.

"I know he will. He's a strong person. Just like Matthew. He'll make it Taylor, I know it," Nash said as he rubbed my back.

"I fucking hate Shawn," I angrily said.

"I can understand why," I heard Nash mumble.

"Let's go to the hospital," he said.

I nodded and put on my shoes and followed Nash down to the car. We got into the car and buckled up. Nash sped to the hospital. Once we were there, we got out and hurried into the building and to the front desk.

"Rupp?" I heard Nash say to the lady.

"Room 247" she said and smiled.

I quickly ran to where the room was, forgetting about Nash. I looked at every room number, room 238, room 243, aha! Room 247! I walked in and saw my Dillon laying on the bed, completely lifeless with doctors surrounding him.

I felt tears at the brim of my eyes.

One doctor looked at me with a worried face.

"Sir, I'm gonna need you to step out, there is some serious surgery happening right now, you may see him in a few hours, for now please wait in the waiting room," she says and I nod.

She nods and closes the door.

I hang my head and walk to the waiting room.


I looked up and saw Nash standing in front of me with a sad expression.


"How is he?" Nash asked.

"I don't know. They won't let me see him," I sighed and ran my hands down my face.

"Oh, I'm sure he's fine," he said.

"I hope," I say.

I hear footsteps. Nash and I look to where the sound was coming from.


I heard a familiar voice say.

A boy walked in. I gasped. I heard Nash do the same.

"Matthew!" Nash screamed and ran to him.

Matt ran and jumped into Nash's arms. Nash spun him around.

"What are you guys doing here?" Matthew asked as Nash set him down.

"Dillon," I said.

"What happened?" Matt asked worriedly.

"Shawn beat him up, the doctors said he might not make it, considering the condition he's in right now," I said.

Matthew frowned.

"Oh, that's horrible, are we allowed to see him?" He asked.

"No, not until their done with the surgery," I said.

"Oh," Matt said.

*5 hours later*

It's been 5 hours.

Matt was sleeping on Nash's lap and Nash was also asleep. I was tired, but I didn't wanna fall asleep and miss my chance of seeing Dillon.

I closed my eyes, but made sure not to fall asleep.

"Taylor Caniff?" My eyes shot open.

I got up and walked over to the nurse.

She looked through her clipboard.

"Dillon Rupp may now have visitors, but only one at a time," she says.

I nod and walk over to Nash and Matt.

"Guys, wake up. We can see Dillon now," I say as I shake them awake.

They both got up and followed me.

I got to room 247 and opened the door. Nash and Matt already knew they had to stay out. I walked over to Dillon's bedside and sat down in the chair. I grabbed his hand.

"Dillon?" I asked quietly.

He lightly opened his eyes.

"Taylor?" He said in a whisper like tone, it was barely audible.

"Oh my God, baby," I said, I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

"I'm okay Taylor," he said in the same voice.

"No your not, do you hear your voice? And look at you, you look so lifeless and pale, but then again, you still look like the beautiful Dillon that I love," I say.

He tries to smile.

"I love you," I say.

I looked at him. His eyes were closed and his expression was blank. He had no smile on his face. I looked at the heart monitor.




My heart stopped.

"No," I say.

"We need a doctor right now!" I yell.

Multiple nurses and doctors came in and pushed me out.

All that was in my mind was Dillon.

Was he gonna be okay?

I saw Nash and Matt run to me.

"Is he okay?" Matt asked.

I just cried.

"It stopped," I cried.

Matts eyes widened and so did Nash's.

"Is he gonna make it?" Nash asked.

Before I could answer, a doctor came out.

"I'm sorry to tell you this guys. But as if today, 4:56 PM, Dillon Rupp passed. I'm sorry for your loss," the doctor said and walked away.

In that moment, the world stopped.

"Taylor?" I heard Matt say, his voice filled with sadness.

I fell to the ground. I looked up. Everything was a blur. All that was on my mind now was that my one and only, my best friend, my boyfriend, the boy I've known since I was 6, the one I loved, was gone.




I'm not gonna say dill is actually dead or if he isn't. You'll just have to wait for chapter 24 😉


goodbye meh lovelies

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