It was a mistake

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"What, you mean you guys almost kissed". Bimbo screams in my ear making me to fall down, yes I literally fell down.

"Unfortunately yes and you didn't have to actually bend to my ear and scream there, the organs in my body needs my ear to communicate with". I say getting back up.

"I just, I just can't believe this, just wow". Bimbo says pacing around the room.

"What's wow, you guys knew anthony is peter pan and decided that, 'look p.s let's not tell jane she'll find out herself ' ". I say in a baby voice.

"Its not like that jane, we had no idea that you didn't know that anthony is peter pan". P.S says patting my shoulder, while bimbo tries on a wig that she bought in crazy store, no seriously the stores name is literally crazy store.

"P. S, see I'm cat woman". Bimbo says pursuing P. S.

"Aaaah, I hate cats". P. S says laughing and they start running round the pineapple.
I'm just wondering why I keep inviting them to the pineapple, even though they behave wierd sometimes maybe its because they make the pineapple interesting and make imaginary spongebob to laugh that his wierd laughter 'ha ha ha', he actually laughs like a pig, I'm I the only one who thinks that way, his nose moves up and down when he's laughing, maybe its only me.
When I got home, I needed someone to talk to, so I just called them and surprisingly they were helpful, well apart from the screaming and giggling that literally made me hear sounds in my ear, they were still helpful.

"Okay, okay stop bimbo, peter pan  just communicated with me now, and I need to tell jane something ". P. S says and for some reason I jump up when I hear peterpan's name, bimbo and P. S look over at me then they smirk.

"Okay, so what is it". I say and P. S gives me a banana.

"Seriously a banana what I'm I supposed to do with a banana". I shout holding the banana and swinging it infront of them and they just smirk.

"Hey jane". I hear peter pan's voice from the banana, seriously a banana, is it only me who thinks this city is wierd.

"Hey". I simply say, I don't want to cause any drama.

"You're okay". Peter Pam says again.

"Yeah, I'm fine, P. S and Bimbo are with me". I say and bimbo takes P. S hand and leaves even after seeing my death glare, I can't believe they ditched me.

"Look about what almost happened the other day, that was a mistake..  ". He starts but I interrupt him.

"Yah I know, it was a mistake and will never happen or almost happen again, I guess at that moment, I almost forgot who you really are ". I say and try to hang up but since it is a banana and not a normal phone, I couldn't find the hang up bottom, so I just throw it outside the window.
I can't believe this, the guy literally lifted my chin and wanted to kiss me and now he's saying its a mistake, I actually expected it, what else do you expect from a player.

"I'm so sorry jane, I'm sure he didn't mean it that way". Bimbo says.

"You shouldn't be sorry okay,
I'm cool". I say, I hate it when people sympathize with me.
And besides I don't want to look like a pathetic looser who was one of anthonys victims. For me to even allow him to hold my chin and lean in, I'm sure it meant something to me.

"Jane, you have to come for training, now, we don't have time". Bimbo says and I look at her confused.

"Training, new moves, self defence.... ". P. S says trailing off and snapping her fingers I'm front of me, trying to make me remember, then it hit me.

"Oh my gush, the training, I totally forgot". I say. I was supposed to meet everyone at one super gym or so.

"Hop on". P. S says bending down for me to climb on her back.

The Broken gemOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora