Twenty questions

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  "Okay I go first" ella giggles.

"Ehm...... Do you live alone. Here and live a normal life like humans". I ask her curious.

" M... My parents are dead and its I and my brother, Anthony. ella says with her voice pained. I feel terrible and I need to take the attention from her, at least she understands how it feels to loose someone.

"what! No way you mean that hot guy is your brother"

"Yah what do you think of him" ella asks more cheerful and excited, menn this girl has mood swings..

"Is that my question" I ask warningly.

"tooh fiiiine" ella hisses.

"okay, I think Anthony is hot and nice, is that what you want hear" i ask her.

"Are you kidding me right now, you make me want to cry jane" ella says wiping off her imaginary tears. One thing about her she's a drama queen.

"Oh ella puhleeze what else should I say" I ask her raising my eye brow.

" No I like him, he likes me "
Ella says trying to make me follow.

"Oh no no no, you see ella I don't believe in stuffs like that and I just met him, I simply told you the truth"

"Yes i knew there was something more to you, fine I won't pressure you the time has not come" ella says rubbing her hands together like she's planning something evil.

"Wierd!  And now my question, so I was thinking do you ever go to parties around here" I ask hoping it will be a yes, I was hoping to see the way Neverlands party will be,  whether lame or interesting.

"Yes of course we do parties a they are FUNNN!!!!! " ella says opening her mouth very widdde, which was hilarious.

"Okay"I say looking at her with a raised eye brow.

"Matter of fact, I think we should go to one now,  oh no I blew the surprise "

"What surprise" I ask curious.

"Its supposed to be a party to welcome you to never land, pls when you get the surprise pretend like you don't know anything about it" ella says pleading with h hands clasped together.


"Now my question, did you ever date" ella says raising her eye brow, this girl asked me the wrong question.

"Yes" I say swallowing the lump in my troath. I never wanted to talk about Isaac ever again.

"Are you together now" ella says more curious, she should have gotten the logic by now.

"You only get one question! " I snap.

"Do you want to talk about it" ella says her voice more softer.

"NO! " I say bluntly.

"Okay, I understand " it amazes me that ella understands most girls will go crazy saying that Im hiding things from them.

"Let's get ready for the party" ella says trying to lighten up the mood.

"I Tought you said it was a surprise"

"Yah it was but I've already told them that I ruined the surprise"

" what whe.... Ohhhhh fairy magic" I say and ella nodds in affirmation.
Ella gets dressed and looks so splendid as she apply make up to her already spotless face, and I simply wear a shirt with jeans and pack my hair ina messy bun.

"Oh you're not wearing that" tinkerbell says in disgust"

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