The party trouble

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I wake up to the sounds of fairy lights out side, I need to go to the party, so I pick my knee length fitted gown that shows all my curves at the right places, I'll try putting make up, but trust me when I say, I don't know how to put make up. So I try to call jaden to pls come with tinkerbell to do my make up.

"Sup jaden"I say to my phone.

"What the heck sis, what. Do. You. Want " jaden says breathing heavily like he ran a marathon.

" soo, you mean I can't just call my sweet brother and ask how he's doing". I say in my fake, innocent voice.

"You  never do that "
Jaden Says and i hear someone say 'jade who's that'

" uuuuhh I'm I interrupting something".  I say smirking.

"Yes actually you are, what do you want.
Jaden smirks, I know you're wondering how I can see him smirking, I'm imagining it, cus that's  what he always do whenever he's right about something, and he's right I want something from him.

"Yah, yah fiine I need you to bring tinker over so she can do my make up".  I say releasing a breath.

"Is this the end of the world my sis wants to do make up".
Jaden says dramatically.

"I've done it before, no biggie".  I say shrugging as if he can see me.

"My girlfriend is not a make up artist".  Jaden says talking about tinker bell, then I hear tinkerbell say 'its okay jaden'.

"Yah she said its okay" I tell jaden and he tells ella thank you. You probably wondering why he said thank you for me, let me give you a hint, I don't say thank you.

*knock* * knock*

"Finally" I mumble to myself, as I go and open the door.

"Hey sis, sooo who are you dressing up for " jaden smirks.

" im going to a party "
I say as I sit down so tinker bell will start putting make up on my face.

"Aaand... " jaden says.
I knew jaden won't be convinced because party or not I never wear make up.

"I wanted to prove people wrong" I say,  hoping that will be enough for him to believe even though it is part of the truth.

"......... Okay, You're going to the party? ".  jaden says.

" yah, you? "

"Same" jaden smirks.

"Quit smirking, it makes you look ugly". I was lying , it makes him look hotter and he knew that.

"It doesn't matter what you say, i only care about what tinkerbell Says". Jaden says earning a blush from tinkerbell.

"What! I was here for you before she came".  I say faking hurt.

"I'm finished". Ella says happily and I look at the mirror, I was extremely stunning,than what that goat(ella) did.

"Woah sis you look beau.. " I stop him before he can say I look beautiful.

"Don't call me that" I say.

"Okay, just that you look very beautiful".  he says it very fast,Smirking

" I. Said. Don't. Call. Me. That".

"If not that you were my sister I will so hit on you, but sadly you are". Jaden says smirking and I roll my eyes.

"Jaden" tinkerbell says flicking jadens hand.

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