My new friend

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I really was excited because I knew it was quite going to be an adventure. And true to my words it was, neverland is basically like any normal town, only that it is more natural and there is magic, fairies and oh, I almost forgot, they lock up a girl and choose her to be their  hero, which is wierd, I don't have magic.  But I hope this is fun.
Ella stops at a mansion shaped in a pineapple.

"Say hello to home"

"Oh there's no way I'm living in that, there's basically a difference between me and sponge Bob". I  half laugh.

"Don't worry its not as bad  as it looks, actually it looks really good, you just have a bad taste of fashion".  she laughs and I laugh along with her too.

"And besides If you want to awe about how amazing or oughtful it looks, I'll be there to keep you company" ella says still smiling and I can't help but smile too i have a feeling ella and i are going to very gggreat friends, wow what a day so I'm now thinking of making friends with a fairy , nice go jane. I mentally slap myself. 

" so umm what do you think we should do, I mean we checked out never land and its basically dark outside and I don't even know the time, that's if there's a clock here"
I say talking really fast that I didn't even notice the amazing house that was all to our self.

"Woah jane slow down" ella says laughing.

"Well first of all we could talk about boys and second we use the amount of fairy dust to decide the time it is, like now it is um...  About, in the night".

"First of all NO! I don't talk about boys, Second of all who uses fairy dust to know the time. " i ask looking around.

"Um...  I do and obviously that's how the rest of never land check their time" ella says raising her eye brow.

"Oh right sorry" I say rolling my eyes.  What's wrong with you young lady,  two sorries in a day you are so gonna get a tap on the head. And I tap my head after mentally speaking to myself, people Might think I'm crazy but its an habit I seem to have developed when I'm alone.

"Earth to jane" ella shakes me with both hands.

"Well um..  I'm here"

"Why the hell did you tap your head"ella asks me surprised .

"Well my mental self made me do it" I say and later regret it.

"What! " ella looks at me like I have two heads and start laughing

"What was that thing about boys again " I ask her.

"Oh yah let's go to our room". I know I let her make me talk about boys but don't blame me, self!,  it was the only way to cover the embarrassment and yah I love you too, self! . I say even though I know myself hates me now.

"Ehm ella remind me, why exactly are we sharing a room again" I ask ella surprised that as big as the mansion is we still have to share a room.

"Oh I just Tought maybe we could..  But if you don't want,to.. ... I could" ella stutters and looks sad, uhh now I'm getting caring, maybe caring for one person won't hurt, oh I'm so gonna get a slap on my head mentally.

"Umm, you know what,  don't worry tinkerbell we can share a room it will be fun anyway and besides this room is big enough for the both of us" l say surprising both my self and ella, I hate sharing my room it makes me uncomfortable, but now I'm here being all nice,  Argh the word makes me sick.

"REALLY!!! YIPPEE!! " ella hugs me and I try to return the gesture but my self stops me. Don't even think of it fur brain, my self tells me.  And I settle for a smile instead, I can't stand any insults from myself.

"Okay,  let's play twenty questions " ella says cheer fully.

"What is twenty questions " I eye her suspiciously.

" its a game, you ask questions about the person to get to know the person more and its obviously more than twenty , I don't know why the humans named it twenty in the first place, uh teenagers. " ella scrunch her knows up in disgust.

"Ehm..  I'm a teenager" I snap at her.

"Oh well, let start the game" she says completely ignoring me.

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