New school;memories

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" oh my God j wake up" ella says hitting me with pillows.

" what the hell, ella can't I at least get some sleep i say frowning.

" were gonna be late for school " ella says.

" what school" I say.

" the one I told you about yesterday pixie high" Ella says snapping her fingers in front of me.

" oh yah right let me know how that goes. " I say going back to sleep.

" no you're going with me " ella says carrying me and flipping me on her shoulder.

" now we're done, but we would have been done five
minutes ago, if you didn't waste time in waking up" ella says turning to me.

" woah ella come have you heard this story about a girl throwing pillows on another girl just to wake her up to go to a school she has no idea about and they teach people how to hold a wand. " I say facing ella.

" oh no where did you see that, was it in..... " ella stops and gets the logic as she knows who I'm talking about.

" ohhh right that girl is you" I turn pointing to ella.

" whatever, let's go" ella says and we walk out of the pineapple.
The ride to school was silent and enjoyable until ella starts telling me about her fart exploits in humans, then we finally get to school, its surprisingly a normal school only that the building is more curvy and decorative I actually taught it will be shaped like a mango.

" okay j it seems like you're lost,  let me tell you again about the boy and his fart. "

" I know you saw a furball in his pant and ' ha ha pant not boxers ' i get it ". note the sarcasm.

"oh well you were following" ella says.

"of course I was el' you've told me that story a million times. " I say waving my hands.

" but you like it, right? " ella says looking all innocent.

I sigh. " ella how do I put this in a more gentle way, NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOUR FART EXPERIENCE AND BUTT FUR BALL'S! for Gods sake farts are disgusting, so are fur butts. " i say patting ella on her shoulder.

" thanks for going easy on me" ella says making her sarcasm noticeable.

"You're welcome "

" I don't care what you think, I love fart exploitation. "
Ella says folding her hands and pouting.

" fine, I warned you" I say as we walk into the school, the school is really big and then we go to the principals office, honestly I have no idea where we're going I'm just following ella's lead.

"Here we are, the principals office " ella says knocking on the door and we enter.

" well hello, you must be the new student, I'm principal butt wick " hearing butt from a name is funny especially the way the principal emphasize the butt.

" ah ah ah ah ah ah " I start laughing, completely forgetting I'm in front of the principal.

" and what's so funny miss jean" the principal faces me showing me her large brown eyes and she's a bug with a human face and part bug body.

" daah, jjust thinking of something " I say scared as her large eyes scanns me.

" something you will like to share with us " the principal smirks.

" no, not really" I say trying to think of something.

" share it " the principal says with venom in her voice

The Broken gemOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora