Chapter 4: You Can Run

Start from the beginning

Arthur and Gwaine layout beds for each of the men while Elyan tends to the horses. Only Percival watches me now, but with Gwaine and Arthur a meter or so away, he's not too intimidated. This time he's watching closely, though.

The orange flames now are our only source of light, creating odd dancing silhouettes on the trees  Out of habit, I'm on edge, keeping a lookout and jumping at any sound in the woods. I doubt much would want to come near the camp with the stench and racket of this lot.

Elyan sits to my right and Leon to my left, the others surrounding the fire perched on logs they dragged over. Merlin cooks whatever soup or stew he conjures over the fire in a large black pot. Once again, the men make small talk, seemingly having something to always talk about.

Merlin tends to Percival's shoulder once again, probably directed by Gaius to do so every few hours. While the two do that, Gwaine gets lost in a scary story or legend of the forest. Having nothing else to do, I listen. But that doesn't stop me from cringing at the childishness of the story.

"They say that an ancient wraith of magic lingers in this very forest. It is said to take the form of whatever one desires" Gwaine leans forward on a stick, emersed in his tale. "An army of men could witness the wraith at once, each seeing something different to the man beside them."

"It lures the men in before sucking the breath from their lungs, stealing their souls, taking them to Hades...forever."

Elyan shoves Gwaine's shoulder playfully. "And how much had you drunk when you heard that one?"

"I was sober", Gwaine pouts, pushing Elyan away. They both chuckle.

"Sounds like a children's tale", Arthur decides.

"A poorly retold children's tale", Percival chuckles. His amusement falls short as he cringes, Merlin rubbing something on his wound.

I catch Merlin's face in the light, concern written all over his face, but he doesn't say anything. I narrow my eyes on him, hoping that the dark deceives me.

"Alright then, let's hear you tell a better one!" Gwaine demands, jumping up to check on the brewing stew.

I breathe in some smell of the stew, not realising how hungry I am until now—my stomach grumbles at the thought. I haven't eaten for almost two days, not properly anyway.

"Um...Percival?" Merlin questions in a silent voice, "you haven't been feeling any pain during the day, have you?"

"Not really, only just before. It started burning slightly," Percival answers, creases appearing on his forehead in confusion.

Merlin nods but doesn't respond, his face now turning grim. He turns around, picks up his bag and begins ravishing through what I presume to be medicines.

"Is there something wrong, Merlin?" Arthur asks, now standing to join the servant and Knight.

"I-uh-I've been following Gaius' instructions just as he said", Merlin mumbles. "Yet somehow, something has-uh-gotten into the wound, and's slightly-um-infected."

Percival remains calm despite Merlin's concern."You can fix it. I've seen you do it before."

"Yes...but it-uh...appears I, or Gaius, forgot to stock up on herbs for this type of infection", Merlin counters, rubbing his neck. He looks at the ground as if an answer will be somewhere for him to find.

"He'll be okay to make it to Olaf's Kingdom, right?" Arthur presses, the concern now lacing his voice.

"I have Rosemary, Saffron and Yarrow in my bag if any of those will be of help?" I offer, raising my voice over the group. Everyone turns to me, their eyes surprised, once again seemingly forgetting I exist. "If you brought it, of course," I add.

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