Chapter 35

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A/N: HIIIIII~~~~ I'M BACK!!!!! IT HAS BEEN ANOTHER FEW MONTHS!!!! School has started and I have literally no time to write!! University is so different from high school!!! Anyways, here's the new chapter!! Please enjoy!!

Time after the Valentine's Day seemed to have just zoomed by, and it was already the day before the second term started. During the last few days of the winter break, Yoruichi and Soifon spent most of their time together. They finished their winter break homework, visited places where Soifon hadn't been to before, exercised and practiced martial arts, and just roamed around Karakura Town, trying to discover more places that they didn't know previously.

It was around five thirty in the evening now and the two were just on their way to a restaurant. "Today's another wonderful day, Yoruichi-san." Soifon said with a small smile, her hand gently clutched in Yoruichi's hand. "Yeah, it is. I love it the most when you sent Keigo flying at the dojo." Yoruichi said, laughing. Earlier the day, the two went to the martial arts dojo for a final practice before the new term started, and they met Ikkaku, Yumichika, and a bitter-looking Keigo there. According to him, he was forced to come with Ikkaku and Yumichika after his parents heard that the two regularly practiced martial arts.

That day was not Keigo's lucky day. He got overpowered by Ikkaku so badly that he tried to make a run for it, but unfortunately, Soifon was standing right behind him and caught him by the arm. However, perhaps it was out of sheer animal instinct, Keigo tried to perform a Major Outer Reap on Soifon. Everyone was momentarily shocked as they saw Keigo swept his right leg back, knocking Soifon off balance and used his right arm to force her backwards, and when everyone thought Soifon was going to get taken down by a mere Keigo, she, using Keigo's force, swung her legs up and kicked them into Keigo's stomach, performing a perfect Tomoe Nage and sending Keigo flying toward the wall.

Yoruichi laughed for ten minutes straight while Ikkaku and Yumichika were deeply impressed by that extraordinary move and started practicing it on each other, and no one bothered to give a damn about Keigo, who was lying like a dead body beside the wall. "That seriously was the most hilarious thing I've seen so far." Yoruichi said, covering her eyes and turning away, trembling slightly as she tried to force back her laughter. "I had to do it the hard way, or that stupid idiot will never learn the lesson." Soifon said, and Yoruichi gave up and burst into laughing.

A few minutes later they arrived at an intersection that was not far away from their destination, and when they were about the cross the road, they heard a familiar voice. They turned toward the sound and saw Ichigo standing on the other side of the intersection with his back facing them, and beside him was a guy wearing a brown newsboy cap that they didn't recognize. They stopped there and watched the two. Ichigo appeared to be annoyed by the guy and wanted to get away, and the other guy just talked on. "Who's that?" Yoruichi asked, pointing at the guy, and Soifon shrugged.

"Whoever that is, he seems to be the Asano type of people who keeps trying to talk to Kurosaki while he is showing such obvious annoyance." Soifon commented, and Yoruichi burst out laughing again. When Yoruichi finally stopped laughing and looked back up, Ichigo was walking away from the guy with his hands in his pocket, the frown on his face going deeper than usual. "Oh, they're done?" Yoruichi asked, and the two looked over to the guy again. The guy seemed to have noticed their gazes and looked over to them. He gave them a quick nod and pushed his cap lower and walked away.

"Do you know him?" Soifon asked, looking at Yoruichi. "No, I don't." She said, shaking her head. "But he just nodded at us?" Soifon continued. "Probably just because we were staring at them." Yoruichi said with a shrug. "Hm, alright then. Let's go." Soifon said, and Yoruichi nodded, and the two walked off toward the restaurant, and as they got in and started their order, the stranger they just saw was pushed out of their minds.

Stings Like A Bee [YoruSoi, IchiHime, RenRuki, GinRan, HitsuHina, IshiNemu]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora