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Some things to get out of the way. This is indeed a reader insert. The reader will be referred to as Frost or CT 264 and in private Y/N. Alright let's go.

Y/N's POV:

All the years I spent on Kamino training and studying the art of war were thrown away within seconds of the red blaster bolts flying past me.

Glade: Frost get your ass in gear!

Snapping out of my thoughts im brought back to reality

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Snapping out of my thoughts im brought back to reality. We're still stuck on Geonosis. Pulling myself up I sprint towards my CO as blaster bolts hit the sand all around me. I manage to slide behind a rock and prop myself on it to take aim.

Glade: We need to secure that ridge!

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Glade: We need to secure that ridge!

Nodding I aim my blaster down range. And let loose a barrage of bolts. The second battle of Geonosis has only just begun.

Aaaand that'll do it. As stated this was a teaser. Now I hate to be that guy but I need help with planet names, certain terms, and what not. My clone wars knowledge is a bit a rusty so any and all help would be appreciated thanks have a good day/ afternoon/ night.

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