"Ahhhh I'm not entirely sure. I am supposed to meet Hosea to talk to some potential partner and probably rob a few people on the way," He answered.

"Oh sounds fun. Ca-" She began before getting cut off.

"Addie! Addie!" Jack came bounding over to her, a flower in his hand. "The cold last night killed most of the flowers but I got mommy one and you one," Jack exclaimed, hugging at her skirt.

She bent down to his level. "Thank you so much, Jack."

"I think it would look pretty in your hair," He said with glee. Adeline bent down to let him tuck it behind her ear. "Perfect."

"Thank you, Jack. It's beautiful." She gave the little boy a hug before he was called away by Abigail.

Adeline turned to Arthur. "What a sweetheart."

"Surely doesn't get it from John," Arthur laughed. The two finally got their food from Pearson and went to stand by the fire.

"Who exactly is this new business partner Hosea is having you meet?" She asked.

"If I'm being honest, I have no idea. I think he might be in the stagecoach business but I can't be sure." Arthur confessed.

"When you say stagecoach business, do you mean building and selling them or stealing them?" She asked slyly.

"Now you're thinking like an outlaw," Arthur said. "But a little bit of both I'd assume." Arthur looked down at her and squinted. "You're an outlaw now, how'd you like to come with?"

She laughed. "Just because I used loaded dice for poker doesn't make me an outlaw."

"Well you're in this camp now so it does make you an outlaw." He corrected her.

She smiled sadly. "I would truly love to but what about the chores Miss Grimshaw needs me to do?"

"I'll talk to her," Arthur said with a wink. "She loves me." He shuffled off to talk to Miss Grimshaw really quickly and was back within a few moments. "You're in."


They had headed in some direction Adeline wasn't really sure of. They were off to meet Hosea so Adeline assumed Arthur knew where to take them and the horses. She wasn't paying attention. Her thoughts were in last nights conversation between Arthur and Dutch. There was so much of Arthur's past she wanted to know of. Yet she didn't know how to ask and she didn't want to pry.



They both began at the same time. "No, you first," Adeline said.

Arthur gave a small laugh before continuing, "Do you have any family left?"

Adeline gave a sad smile before deciding to mess with Arthur. "All my blood relatives are dead but I've got a husband I ditched in New York City. A real drag he was."

Arthur's jaw dropped and he struggled to his his surprise. "I thought you said you ain't never been married?"

"I haven't. I was just messing with you. I ain't even been in a relationship- not for lack of my grandparents trying." She confessed.

"Oh," Arthur said. "How come?" He kind of felt like he was prying but they were friends, weren't they?

"I really don't know. I guess I just never met the right person," She explained.

Arthur nodded. "I understand that. People are often not who you thought they were." He paused. "What were you gonna ask?"

"Oh, I was just gonna ask if you've ever been married. Surely somebody as old as you would have had a wife at some point."

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