Chapter 16

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That devil child. He was the devil child. What was he thinking? He can't go around holding her hand like that! Who gave him permission to flirt with her?! Since when did she like him? She doesn't! She likes me! She should be flirting with ME! Me! Not Ryan! I will find him, and then I will-

Wait...... This was out of control. I watched Ryan and Britnee flirt and laugh as they held hands. It was like someone was stabbing me. Cheyne was talking about something next to me. I was pretty sure it was something about dance. I tried to act as though I was paying attention to her but it was hard when all I felt was jealousy and all I could think about was Britnee.

"Jake?" Cheyne asked, pulling me from my angry thoughts of jealousy.

"Yeah?" I asked, trying to act casual.

"What's wrong? You are clearly in your own little world." I sighed. I was hoping she wouldn't notice, but I guess that it was impossible for her not to notice. I wasn't even listening to her, and my attention was on Britnee half the time. I made it impossible to miss the fact I wasn't listening.
"Nothing. Just... Nothing," I answered, shaking my head hoping to clear my thoughts, but Britnee was all I could think about. She was stuck in my head. I glanced over at her and she laughed at Ryan who was holding her hand in his. I hate him, I thought to myself. I shook my head. No. I don't hate Ryan. He's been one of my friends since 6th grade. I was just being jealous.
Whoa. I was jealous. I didn't realize it until now but.... This had never happened! I'm not one to get jealous over anyone. I usually have five or so crushes so if one lets me down I have another one. This meant I never got jealous, so this feeling I was feeling right now was so new. This hate, this desire for something I cannot have yet is being dangled right in my face. She was taunting me, and I hated it. He was taking her, and I hated it. She was okay with it, and I hated it. He was taking what was rightfully mine, and I HATED IT.
Calm. I must stay calm. She is not mine and he has every right to her. After all, here I am with Cheyne. CHEYNE!
"Cheyne," I said turning to her. I had totally forgotten she was here. I felt sorry for blowing her off like this. When I finally looked at her she had found where my gaze had landed. "Cheyne, this is not what you think. I'm so sorry for being so out of it. I just-"
"Love her. Yeah. I got that." Her words caught me by surprise. I stared at her wide eyed. Yeah, maybe I liked Britnee, but love? Did I love her? Was I even old enough to know what love is? I'm not. Am I? Did she seriously have to say that? Now I'm just questioning everything.
"I wouldn't say that," I mumbled uncertainly.
"I would. Listen, Jake, I understand that you don't like me anymore. And that's okay. I have Tanner, and since I have Tanner I want you to have someone. Everyone deserves to have someone." She glanced behind me at Britnee. "You deserve her."
"Do you see her with Ryan?" I asked her, angry with the fact she was missing the obvious. I mean they are all over each other! What is making her think that I stand a single chance with her when she has clearly gone mad for Ryan?!
"I do." She smiled at me and started laughing. "Don't worry Jake. You've got her exactly where you want her. You just don't understand yet." She looked at Britnee again before stating, "Trust me. You'll understand soon." She stood up before I could ask what she meant and went over to sit by some of her other friends.
I sat back in my seat and stared angrily at the screen. Why was no one giving me answers? Everyone seemed to start to answer my questions and then leave me hanging with even more. I was growing tired of it. I wanted to rip out my hair. Britnee and Ryan, Cheyne and Tanner, what was this? Was I the only one who didn't have someone? No. According to Cheyne I had Britnee. What was she talking about?! What was I missing?!
I swear I had at least fifty puzzles started I will never get finished because I'm missing a piece I can't seem to find. Where do all these pieces go? I mean, come on! You can't hide these pieces forever! Where are all my answers?! Why don't I ever get any? If all good things come to those who wait, why don't I have answers to some of the questions I have because I've been waiting for a long time! I'm a very impatient person, aren't I? Why haven't I noticed this before?
I glanced at the clock. Five minutes left. Ugh. Five minutes?! Five minutes left for me to sit here and think. I'm going to end up over thinking this all. I know it. I already am. Why am I not in an insane asylum? I looked up at the screen and decided the only way to clear my thoughts, or at least keep me from thinking myself to insanity, is to watch the movie. The cheesy love movie with the happy ending and crappy musical numbers.
This is gonna be a long five minutes.
*I know these last chapters have been short but they are my transition chapters. I promise longer chapters soon. I also know there have been a lot of updates lately. I'm just getting caught up a little bit. :) ❤️/Mona Lisa*

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