Chapter 8

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I finally found Chris, and when I saw him with Britnee I was that much more excited. She was sitting next to Alyssa arguing with her about something. She grabbed Alyssa's phone and shoved it down her shirt as Alyssa stood up quickly. I laughed a bit. Britnee hit Alyssa's butt and said something probably really funny. I got to Chris and sat down next to Britnee.


Yup. Like I'd said. Probably something really funny. Alyssa blushed and ran off. I followed her with my gaze as she moved up the aisle to a boy who looked like the perfect, spitting image of a cowboy. I guess the Jessie reference worked in a way. Before I could even say Hello, Britnee said the most random thing. Aw. Britnee. She always made things interesting.

"Never run up an aisle backwards, run into someone, and then lose your friend's phone." She looked dead serious. I nodded. Her blue eyes were filled with a light I hadn't seen in many other people today.

"Okay. That's probably a good idea... Why do you say?" I asked. I loved her stories. They were so random. Britnee was willing to do anything. Wear socks with sandals to school? Check. Wear apple stickers on her cheek? Check. Randomly go around and try to hold guys' hands just to see how they react? Check. Never a dull moment with Britnee.

"Well.... I stole Alyssa's phone and started running up the aisle until I turned around backwards to look at her. Then I started moving backwards. I ran into Josh and fell SMACK," she said, clapping her hands for the dramatic effect," on my butt, losing Alyssa's phone in the process. I smacked my head on an arm rest in the fall, which was rather painful actually, and when I got back on my feet I realized I was negative one phone. I knew I would be capital D-E-A-D dead if I lost her phone so I crawled around on the floor searching for it."

"And...?" I drawled, raising my eyebrows in a questioning manner.

"And I found it under the seat that had already caused me so much pain! And just to make things worse, when I had found it and went to stand up, I banged my head again. In the exact same spot. Needless to say it was painful." I tried not to laugh. Only Britnee could do something so stupid.

"That's horrible. Is your head okay?" I asked both actually concerned and trying to change the subject so I wouldn't laugh.

"Ya know.... Minus a headache and a throbbing pain in the back of my head... Pretty sure I'm fine." She smiled, but it sounded like she wasn't really okay. I was almost tempted to wrap my arm around her and tell her it would all turn out okay, but I wasn't sure if that would be considered okay. I wasn't sure if me randomly wrapping my arm around her would be something she'd just shrug off and be totally fine with. What was okay to her? Would she mind?

"Yikes. I'm sorry. Where does it hurt?" I asked trying to sound comforting. She grabbed my hand and placed it on a place on her head. I smiled. Her hair was soft to the touch. It was like a soft blanket. I felt around a little bit as her hand slipped to around my wrist. I felt a bump on her head. "Whoa!" I exclaimed unintentionally.

"What?" she asked gripping my wrist a littler tighter.

"Nothing. Just a bump. It's okay." I rubbed her head gently. Her grip loosened.

"Oh.... Okay...." I wondered what she would be thinking at this moment. I felt her hand slip from my wrist. I lowered my hand and looked at her. She smiled and grabbed a pen. It was a really fancy, pretty pen. Just like Britnee to have such a pen. She looked extremely proud of her pen. I wondered if she had named it yet. She probably had, knowing her. She named everything.

She took her pen and put it against my skin. She looked up at me for permission. I shook my head and reached down, grabbing the pen from her grip. She gave it up willingly. I grabbed her hand and pulled it in front of me. The pencil in my hand I put in my pocket. I wouldn't be losing it like she lost her pencil. It pained her every time because she got an emotional attachment to it, but she always seemed to have a back up. I smirked. What would I do to her hand? I looked over at Chris and he was talking to Jasmine who sat in front of us. The lights went down and the assembly was about to start.

"Chris!" I whisper yelled. He turned and looked at me.

"What?!" he asked just as enthusiastically.

"What should I draw on her hand?" There was pause as the two of us thought up ideas. Britnee's hand was still placed in mine. I smiled at the thought. She was probably thinking I was crazy, but she was just as crazy, so it was only fair. That's what I loved about her. She was crazy.

I don't want easy, I want crazy!

*Oh how it's been so long! We're so sorry we've been gone! We've been busy writing songs for... You! No. But I am so very sorry I haven't updated in a long time! I've been rather busy! I'll try to update more often! Just so you know... The song I quoted at the beginning of this note was We're So Starving by Panic! At The Disco! (If you haven't looked them up yet... Do it!!! Really!) And the one song quoted in this chapter is I Want Crazy by Hunter Hayes. (Surprised it wasn't by Panic! At The a Disco? Me too.) ❤️/ Mona Lisa*

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