Chapter 1

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Girl POV


I wiped my forehead and looked her in the eye. I waited for her to make her move. I wasn't doing anything until she was. The tension in the air made it hard to breath. I raised my eyebrows, encouraging her to do something first. Her eyes glimmered. I prepared myself. If she wasn't going to do it, I would.

"What are you girls doing?" my mom asked walking into my room. I dropped my phone and tried to act normal.

"Nothing. Nothing at all. No surreptitious activity going on here," I rambled out. My mom paused from putting the clothes in my dresser and gave me a weird look.

"Surreptitious?" she questioned.

"No? You don't know what it means?" I asked. I looked over at Abigail. "You know what it means? Don't you?" She shook her head slowly. I shook my head. "You two have ruined my thunder. Surreptitious means to keep secret especially because it wouldn't be approved of." They still looked confused. "Surreptitious affair?" I tried, giving an example. They both nodded and Abigail grinned.

"I like that!" I shook my head. Surreptitious was my new word. I used it all the time ever since I heard it in There's A Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered, Honey, You Just Haven't Thought Of It Yet. Yeah, I know, weird name for a song, but it was Panic! At the Disco so what did you expect.

I ran a hand through my dirty blonde hair and smiled. Sometimes I wondered....

"Where did you learn THAT?" my mom intruded.

"A song. That's also how I learned neurosis, thank you very much!" I stated happily. My mom and I looked pretty much similar, except for our eyes. She had green eyes while meanwhile I got my dad's blue. People always got us mixed up though. Even my own siblings called me mom sometimes.

"And do you know what neurosis means?" Abigail asked.

"It's a slight case of insanity or mental illness! Take it!" I shouted. My mom let out a laugh and left the room, closing the door behind her. I immediately held my phone back up and hovered my finger over the send button. I had a very embarrassing text set up to send to Abigail's crush, Riley. In turn she had one set up to send to my crush Jake. She placed her finger over her send button and we stared at each other.

"I will send it if you send that. Why don't we both just back down and delete the messages?" I asked not taking my eyes from her phone. We didn't trust each other in situations like this.

"I don't know.... You delete yours first," Abigail said playfully. Her blonde hair and green eyes were extremely pretty. She was very smart and I loved her. We were best friends, forever and always with no exceptions. "You started this all," she reminds me. True. I had. I was the daring, out going one.

"Well I could always just send this when you leave.... I mean all it takes is a press of this button!" I faked pressing it and she flipped. She immediately pressed her finger down on her phone. "WAIT! I DIDNT REALLY-" I tried to call, but it was too late. I pried the phone from her hand and looked at the screen. It had sent. I smacked myself in the forehead. I was so dead.

I'd liked Jake Britton since first trimester. He had liked me back in first trimester, we got separated in second, and now in third I was trying to get him to like me again. I'd tried to keep my crush on him a secret but now he would clearly know.

Britnee absolutely loves you. She thinks you're SSSSOOO handsome. She never actually moved on in second trimester and still likes you.

"I. Am. Going. To. Die." I fell backwards onto my pile of stuffed animals. She grabbed her phone and looked at it. I was so dead. Just dead. Dig my grave now because I'm dead. I was so dead at this point that I'm pretty sure they had my coffin ready. I started to write my will in my head. 'Oh Abigail, even though you caused my death you can have my Percy Jackson poster and stickers. Jake... To make up for all this craziness... Have my wallet. Whatever is in it is yours. I think I have 65 dollars. That's a good amount of money!'

"I'm so sorry!" Abigail pleaded. I took her phone and stared at the text.

"Just... Let me take care of this," I said hoping I could fix things. I never thought I'd die this way. So young. So much to live for. So weird. The music file in my brain flew open and a thought came to my head. Of course, me being the music nerd I was, I had a song for this situation.

Far Too Young To Die.

*Alright. The two songs in here, There's A Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered, Honey, You Just Haven't Thought Of It Yet and Far Too Young To Die, are both by Panic! At The Disco. You will see a lot of references to them and their music. If you have not heard the songs above.... Take time NOW and look them up. They will not disappoint you. ❤️/ Mona Lisa*

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