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Britnee scrambled to her locker and started to look around anxiously. Her heart was pounding in her chest. She listened to it beat as she stared down the hall.

'Would he ever come?' she thought. She had looked forward to this moment all day. This was the moment she lived for, when she finally got to talk to Jake. But as she waited there for what was in reality only a minute, the minute felt like an hour and that hour went so slowly. People passed, some saying hello to her but she was in her own world.

Jake couldn't help but smile as he saw her looking for him. He came up behind her and let out a quiet, "Boo!" in her ear. Britnee jumped and turned around to face him. He began to laugh at her. They had been best friends for only two trimesters, but it felt as though they had known each other for years.

"You about gave me a heart attack," she said putting a hand over her heart.

"Well I would never forgive myself if that happened," Jake replied with a wink. Britnee's heart felt as though it would explode. His blonde hair and brown eyes made him irresistible.

Jake looked into her blue eyes. He couldn't help but feel some butterflies in his stomach. He had felt it multiple times before, but each time he would suppress the feelings. He wasn't sure she felt the way he did. And if she did, he wasn't sure if he could handle a relationship. He didn't want to hurt her.

"I'm going to be late again," she said pulling him from his thoughts. He smiled. She gave him a half smile.

"You better get a move on! You can't have ANOTHER tardy because of me."

'Its all worth it. As long as I see you,' she thought in her head. She wanted so desperately to tell him how she felt, but she couldn't risk another broken heart.

"Don't die," she settled for. He gave her a slight nod, disappointed in her very simple statement. No 'Goodbye. Text me!', or 'It was nice talking to you.', just 'Don't die.' Regardless, he threw on his best smile.

"I'll try my hardest not to." He winked at her. She tried her hardest not to blush. She slammed her locker door closed and walked away from him. She frowned once he couldn't see her. She only wished he knew how she felt, only wished he felt the same.

As he watched her retreating he felt his heart drop. Maybe she really was the one. Maybe she was the one that he had been looking for, the one he was meant to be with. But how could he know if he never told her the truth? And what if she didn't feel the same way? What if someone else, like Shanea the most popular girl in school, came along and liked him?

Either way it seemed as though he would never know, so he started towards his class only stopping once to turn around and whisper 'I love you, Britnee," to the empty hallway.

*Hello wonderful human beings! If you are reading this, thank you. I hope you enjoyed the prologue. This is my first story on Wattpad. So.... Constructive criticism is welcome. Hope you enjoy! ❤️/Mona Lisa*

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