Be careful Guys That's Alot Of Vines

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(may the chat rooms commence 😂)

Thatedgyboi has entered chat
Saltynerdgremlin has entered chat
Thequeenofbeauty has entered chat

Thatedgyboi: what the hell is this?

Saltynerdgremlin: I call it "I'm bored"

Thatedgyboi : so this is what this is you where just bored. Rlly pidge

Thequeenofbeauty :  I actually find this quite fun ^^

Thatedgyboi : we literally just started this how on earth are you enjoying this?

Saltynerdgremlin : but we are not on  earth Keith  so she can enjoy it 😊

Thatedgyboi : ughh

Lanceylance has entered chat
Bestcinnamonboi has entered chat

Lanceylance : I am in confusion

Bestcinnamonboi :  so basically pidge is bored and made a group chat for us to communicate with each other?

Saltynerdgremlin : ... Hunk   Why is this one kanssase (ignore my spelling pls)  and this one is not arkansae

Bestcinnamonboi : wut


Lanceylance :  Keith you know what memes and vines are....  I'm so happy rn

Thatedgyboi : I only know a few don't get excited too quick.

Thequeenofbeauty : what are these memes and vines you speak of are they a type of plant can I grow them?

Lanceylance has left the chat

Thatedgyboi : oop I think you just broke him princess 😂

Thequeenofbeauty : oh.. Should I go apologise

Bestcinnamonboi : I'll handle it Allura its fine
Bestcinnamonboi has left chat

Saltynerdgremlin : also can we change are. Names back to the original ones this is the first chapter and the author is already tired.

Thatedgyboi : Pidge what do you mean buy first chapter and author?   No one is writing a book about us and we aren't inside that book

Saltynerdgremlin : that's what you think

Thatedgyboi : and that concludes todays Internet fun I'm going to train bye bye 👋

Thatedgyboi has left the chat

Saltynerdgremlin :  pfft Keith just "bye byed " lol  see you ppl later imma  go beg some books from the author

Saltynerdgremlin has left chat

Thequeenofbeauty : uh oh k pidge  bye. I need to speak to coran

Thequeenofbeauty has left chat

( whew that's the end of that any suggestions  the  next chapters?)

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