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On the clearest of nights when the winds of the Athenian were calm and peaceful the great merchant's ships with their cargos of Aristotelian solar crystals felt safe and secure little did they suspect that they were perused by pirates. And the most feared out of all these pirates was the nefarious Captain Nathaniel Flint. Like a Canadian Zuckwing overtaking its prey Flint and his band of renegades swooped in out of nowhere and then gathering up their spoils vanished without a trace.

Flints secret trove was never found but stories have persisted that it remains hidden, somewhere at the farthest reaches of the galaxy stored with riches beyond imaginations. The loot of a thousand worlds, Treasure Planet.

There are nights when the winds of the Athenian so inviting in their promise of flight and freedom made two spirits soar and this is where our tale begins.

A girl no older than five stared out her window with a longing expression on her face, she clutched her pirate book tightly to her chest as she leaned against her window sill.

"I'll find Treasure Planet." She whispered to no one, as she wistfully stared up at the stars. "Someday." She sighed out as she rested her head on the book.

On another planet not to far from the girls, a five-year-old boy stared up at the same night sky with the same longing expression. He clutched onto the same pirate book the five-year-old girl was holding onto, he smiled as he made the same promise the girl made.

"I swear I'll find it."

With that, the stars shined brightly upon both five-year-olds, and not knowing it their paths became intertwined. The one day that their paths will cross is the day their adventure begins. The adventure to Treasure Planet.

A/N: Please understand that I do not own Treasure Planet or any of the characters in it besides my own. Also, I hope you enjoy the story and leave any ideas on what other fanfiction I should write. Please continue reading.

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