How is she Luke's mother?

Liam hands her the slip of paper before she takes it, and puts it in a folder. "You are ready to go, Miss. Styles." She smiles at me, turning my smile into a frown.

"Oh, okay..." I whisper, offended.

"I'll see you later, Harry." Liam smiles at me, and pecks my cheek.

"Liam!" I shout at him as my cheeks turn a bright red color.

"Payback's a bitch, ain't it?" Liam says before exiting the room. I look up to see Luke's mother smiling at me. I awkwardly walk away, and exit the room with a few of my belongings. I walk in the hallway, confident I know where I'm going. I head up the stairs, and finally reach the floor where my locker is. I watch as a few people stare at me as I walk past, but I decide to ignore them. I finally find my locker through the big crowd of people, opening it and placing my back-pack inside.

"Welcome back, fag." I hear someone say from beside me. I turn to see Kyle smiling at me with his gay-ass smile.

"Shut the fuck up, Kyle." I roll my eyes at him, walking away to try to find my Homeroom. I quickly enter the classroom, finding no one I know. I take my seat in the back of the room in the corner where no one was sitting. I watch as a girl turns to look at me.

"Hi, Mr. Styles. It's a pleasure to meet you." Someone says from in front of me. I turn to find the teacher holding out her hand. I grab onto it, and shake it gently.

"Hi, Mrs. Jones." I say, reading her name off of my schedule.

"I'm going to be your Homeroom and Science teacher." She smiles at me, putting her hands behind her back.

"Okay, thank you." I smile at her awkwardly. She smiles back, and then walks away to the front of the room. I watch as she grabs a notebook and pencil, checking who is absent.

"Kyle?" She calls out, before Kyle shouts to let her know he is here.

Of course Kyle has the same Homeroom teacher as me.

I readjust Liam's hoodie to fit over my large stomach as I hear the teacher call out the name I really hoped I wouldn't hear. "Niall?"

Of course Niall has to be in this class.

"Okay, no Niall? What about Luke?" The teacher says causing me to let out a loud sigh.

I really don't want to deal with him, he probably hates me.

"Today we have a new student, Harry?" She says, signalling for me to walk up to the front of the classroom. I awkwardly stand up, and walk to the front of the room. I look over at the crowd of people all in the same corner of the classroom. "Is there anything you want to share with the class?" She smiles at me, kindly.

"Uhm, I'm Harry...Some of you might remember me from previous years, but others may not know me at all...Questions?" I ask nervously.

"Why are you gay?" Kyle shouts, trying to get a laugh from someone.

"Because I like boys, do you have any other stupid questions?" I ask, getting irritated with him.

"Okay, I have a better idea. We'll go around the room, say our names, and ask Harry a question. Luke, you can start." Mrs. Jones calls him out.

"Well, I'm Luke, it's nice to see you again, Harry." Luke says innocently.

Jump in a shark tank, Luke.

"Uhm, how are you?" He scratches the back of his head.

"I'm fine." I lie.

He nods his head, "That's good."

Chances. » Lirry/NarryWhere stories live. Discover now