Chapter 35- The Not So Out Of The Ordinary Things

Start from the beginning

"What's wrong?" My voice is suddenly hoarse, almost as if I had been crying earlier on or even minutes ago.

"They found something," her words linger over the phone for seconds before she continues. "I have stage four lung cancer," her words sting. "I'm going to die, Alexandra," my full name doesn't make it any better. I'm losing my mother, and she doesn't stand a chance.

Sitting up, I take a deep breath. It was only a dream, though that doesn't change the feeling of nausea in my stomach. It was like losing her all over again. Even if it only happened like five days ago, losing my own mother, that wound won't heal for a long time. Even coming to a conclusion that it's all and done with. She was my mom, and she always will be. My breath hadn't calmed at all. Heaving, Shane suddenly sits up, eyes only half open, he leans against the headboard and pulls me into his lap. Sitting comfortably, he strokes my hair over and over again. When he stops that his hand is massaging soft circles on my back of hips. Tears are falling. 

Looking at the clock it shows that it is 5:14 on Monday morning. "I'm sorry," I mumble into his neck.

He runs his fingers through my hair, "baby you don't need to be sorry for anything, you're hurting and you need time and that's all that will fix it," his words are true. I can only give time for myself to accept what has happened. "What happened?"

"A dream," I sigh quietly, entwining our fingers. He nods softly, resting our head against each other. I missed him so much, even if it is just for a week, it felt like an eternity. "It was like hearing about it all over again," by this time I've calmed down. Shane slowly slides down so we're laying down.

"This is really comfy," he comments as he wraps his arms around me tightly. I'm practically laying on top of him, but I have to say that I am very comfortable. Though getting off him, I cuddle up with him again. "I love you, Alex,"

"I love you too Shane," the words leave my mouth as I fall back asleep.


My eyes slowly opening to my bright room, which is filled with light just from the corners of the window because the curtains aren't keeping it out. Shane's head is on my stomach while his arms around wrapped tightly around my body. My hands run through his soft new haircut. With it cut like this makes it look a little more blonde than it did before.

"Good morning Sweet Cheeks," he grumbles from my stomach.

"Good morning good boyfriend," he laughs with his eyes closed as he stretches. His head falls back down on my stomach with a plop making me giggle loudly.

"Finally your beautiful laugh," he crawls up so that he is now hovering over my body with a large smile plastered on his face. He places quick kisses all over my face making me scrunch my nose not knowing where the next one is going to be. "I have a couple surprises for you today," 

"Really? Like what?"

"Well if I told you it wouldn't be a surprise," the tone of his voice makes me giggle even more.

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