“Do you know a Reed Jacobs?” I asked in Italian.

“Yes, who doesn’t?” He replied with a slight laugh.

“Do you know where he sits for lunch?” I asked again.

“Last table on the right.” He said nodding over in the direction. I immediately spotted him.

“Thank you so much.” I replied gratefully.

“Anytime beautiful.” He replied before walking away. Jess and I made our way to Reed.

“Reed.” We said in unison. It was kind of weird when he was surrounded by his friends and all of them were looking at us.

“Reed, who are these beautiful ladies?” One of his friends asked looking at us. “I’m Marco. And you are?” He said with the Italian dripping from his voice. 

“Maria” I said smiling.

“Adrianna.” Jess said mocking my smile.

“Well Maria…” He said kissing my hand. “And Adrianna…” He said kissing Jess’s hand “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He said with a little wink. The other guys at the table started laughing. Reed just rolled his eyes. “Reed, how did you not tell me you knew such beautiful ladies?” He asked staring at Jess, causing her to blush.

“They’re my friends and they are both taken. So back off.” Reed grumbled at Marco. “I’m going to go see what they need. I’ll be right back.” He added before grabbing both Jess and my hands and leading us to an empty table far away. After we sat down he looked at us. “What are you guys doing here?” He asked furrowing his eyebrows.

“Listen to me very carefully Reed. You are in danger. We’re here to save you. You have to leave with us right now.” I whispered seriously.

“Why? What’s going on?” He asked looking between us.

“Do you trust us?” Jess asked grabbing his hand.

“Of course I do.” He replied and I could see him getting a little more relaxed.

“Then we have to go. Right now.” I said seriously.

“Ok.” He replied nodding. We smiled before getting up and walking out of the cafeteria.

“So, both Ela and I are taken? Last time I checked Ela’s the only one in a relationship… or two.” She said smirking at me.

“Two?” Reed asked shocked.

“It’s a long story Reed. I’ll tell it to you later.” I replied rolling my eyes. “But I would like to know who Jess is taken by.” I replied teasingly.

“Yea, me too.” She replied nodding. “Unless you just said it because you got jealous.” Jess said in a sing songy voice.

“Aww little Reedy is jealous.” I said in a baby voice.

“I’m not jealous.” He replied clenching his jaw a bit.

“Well, if we’ve settled that you’re not jealous and I’m not taken. Then you wouldn’t mind if I talked to your friend Marco in there, when this whole situation is sorted out.” Jess said innocently. “Because he was pretty hot, wasn’t he Ela?” She said smiling.

“Oh yea, but you see. I already have boy troubles I don’t need anyone else, but you jess. You have no boy problems. You’re single an ready to mingle.” I replied winking at her.

“Indeed I am.” Jess said nodding. Now Reed’s fists were clenched.

“Can we please stop talking about this?” He groaned.

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